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Apel către victimele dictaturii comuniste: Imperativul justiției, datoria neuitării

de (3-10-2010)
14 ecouri

Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului şi Memoria Exilului Românesc solicită colaborarea victimelor regimului comunist în efortul de aflare a adevărului şi de traducere în justiţie a celor responsabili de abuzurile şi crimele din perioada 1945-1989. IICCMER face apel la asociaţiile foştilor deţinuţi politici şi la persoanele care au trecut prin centrele de anchetă, închisorile politice comuniste, au fost deportate sau care au avut de suferit în timpul regimului comunist să pună la dispoziţie documente sau să depună mărturie în interviuri de istorie orală acordate cercetătorilor institutului.

Între anii 2006 şi 2010, Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului şi Memoria Exilului Românesc a depus la Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie – Secţia Parchetelor Militare şase sesizări penale împotriva unor foşti ofiţeri şi angajaţi civili ai Ministerului de Interne (Securitate, Direcţia Generală a Penitenciarelor, Direcţia Generală a Miliţiei), activişti de partid şi medici psihiatri din perioada 1945-1989, care prin natura funcţiilor deţinute în structurile de partid şi de stat ale regimului comunist au participat, direct sau indirect, la reprimarea opozanţilor Partidului Comunist Român, începând cu anul 1945.

În scopul continuării acestor demersuri de sancţionare penală a celor responsabili de abuzurile şi crimele pe criterii politice din perioada 1945-1989, IICCMER solicită colaborarea asociaţiilor foştilor deţinuţi politici sau a persoanelor care au trecut prin centrele de anchetă, închisorile politice comuniste, au fost deportate sau care au avut de suferit în timpul regimului comunist.

În acest sens, vă rugăm să ne puneţi la dispoziţie copii după dosarele de anchetă penală, urmărire informativă sau să acceptaţi intervievarea dumneavoastră de către cercetătorii institutului. Toate aceste documente vor fi folosite la completarea probatoriului în dosarul „Procesul Comunismului”, care se află în curs de cercetare la Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie, Secţia de urmărire penală şi criminalistică, precum şi în studiile redactate de către cercetătorii IICCMER. O rugăminte specială este adresată victimelor fostului anchetator şi director al Direcţiei de Anchete Penale a Securităţii, Gheorghe Enoiu, pe numele căruia Institutul a depus o sesizare penală în august 2007, înnoită cu noi documente trimise Parchetului în august 2010.

Persoana de contact pentru programări este cercet. Dumitru Lăcătuşu, adresă de email:


  • Daniel Macovei: (4-10-2010 la 12:36)

    Gluma rasuflata a domnului Nicolae i-mi aminteste de Biblia Hazlie scrisa de un oarecare Thal sau Tal si ma convinge ca specia dinozaurilor bolsevici este foarte rezistenta.Poate pentru ca simtul umorului si inteligenta lor este invers proportionala cu masa corporala.

  • Petru Clej: (6-10-2010 la 04:39)

    Domnule Mugur Lecca, era într-adevăr umor involuntar, dat fiindcă „Porunca Vremii” era un abject ziar legionar interbelic. En passant v-ați devoalat și ca antisemit.

  • Mircea Andreuta: (6-10-2010 la 07:16)

    Din Apelul către victimele dictaturii comuniste inteleg ca se doreste cunoasterea doar ale suferintelor victimelor care mai traiesc si/sau fac parte din asociatiile fostilor detinuti politici.
    Angajatii IICCMER nu cred ca isi primesc salariul doar intrun procent egal cu numarul victimelor supavetuitoare raportat la numarul total al victimelor regimuluicomunist din Romania.
    Cred ca normal era sa fie analizate inclusiv cazurile victemelor decedate in intervalul 1945-2010.

  • Petru Clej: (6-10-2010 la 07:56)

    Domnule Lecca, nu stiu ce legatura are domnul Macovei cu discutia asta, dar sunt sigur ca nu va aprecia remarca dumneavoastra, evident antisemita, despre regimul iudeo-comunist.

  • Petru Clej: (6-10-2010 la 15:10)

    Sa nu spuneti ca nu v-am prevenit, domnule Lecca. Corectia pe care v-a aplicat-o domnul Macovei este exemplara si sper sa trageti concluziile necesare.

    Eu nu stiu daca dumneavoastra ati gafat, exprimandu-va respectul fata de Vladimir Tismaneanu pentru ca apoi sa vorbiti de regimul iudeo-comunist.

    Daca cumva aveti intentia sa faceti apologia legionarilor eu va promit ca veti avea o viata extrem de grea pe aceasta pagina. Oricine incearca sa faca propaganda extremista de orice fel, comunista, legionara, fascista, extremista religioasa, antisemita, xenofoba, ultranationalista, rasista, homofoba, et j’en passe, va fi tratat cu o duritate pe care n-o veti intalni pe alte pagini in limba romana.

  • Vladimir Tismaneanu: (6-10-2010 la 23:29)

    Buna seara:

    Am revenit dupa o prea scurta calatorie in Hawai. Cel mai util lucru, dupa parerea mea,este sa ne focalizam discutia pe teme de substanta, iar nu pe persoane. Apelul IICCMER cred ca este cat se poate de clar. Nu este Apelul meu personal, ci vine din partea unei institutii subordonata direct primului ministru al Romaniei. Nu am facut decat sa aduc la cunostinta celor care ma citesc aceasta initiativa (pe care, evident, o sustin). As prefera sa evitam procesele de intentii si sa luam in consideratie importanta Apelului. Au trecut decenii de la acele crime impotriva umanitatii, dar ele nu pot si nu trebuie sa fie prescrise.

    Am mai spus-o, dar poate merita sa o repet: A ierta nu inseamna a uita, dar a uita este de neiertat. Orice persoana umana are dreptul la o judecata onesta, corecta, nepartinitoare. Victimele comunismului au dreptul la compasiune, la fel ca si victimele fascismului (a se citi opiniile marelui romancier evreu rus Vasili Grossman in aceasta privinta). Moderarea discutiilor de pe acest forum este atributul celor care il coordoneaza, deci nu al meu. Nu am nici timpul, nici statutul de a o face. Am deplina incredere in dl Petru Clej, un jurnalist respectat si un vechi prieten, ca va sti sa incurajeze dialogul decent si responsabil. Sunt prea multe locuri unde se scriu lucruri stridente si adeseori false, nu e cazul, indraznesc a crede,sa promovam perpetuarea lor aici.

    Cu bune ganduri,

    Vladimir Tismaneanu

  • Vlad Solomon: (7-10-2010 la 09:00)

    D-le Lecca,

    Speram, desi rar se intimpla, ca in cazul Dvs marul sa cada departe de pom. In cazul Dvs nu se intimpla. Aveti neobrazarea sa citati o scrisoare ( reala sau nu, habar n-am si nu ma intereseaza), total nerelevanta pe fondul activitatii criminale a lui Radu Lecca, care a fost deja relevata de documente istorice numeroase, articole si marturii, inclusiv in Raportul Wiesel.

    Datorita celor ca Radu Lecca, peste 50% din familia mea a fost exterminata in Holocaustul romanesc. Ruda cu care va mindriti a fost apropiatul lui Antonescu si a pus in aplicare ordinele sale. Pacat ca nu a fost lichidat, precum Antonescu, astfel a putut scrie ineptia ” Cum a salvat evrei”.

    Ati folosit termenul de ” jug iudeo-comunist”. Sinteti nu numai antisemit, dar si fatarnic. Cu Dvs nu se poate purta un dialog, ati folosit apelul lui Volo Tismaneanu ca sa introduceti ura Dvs fata de evrei. Nici macar nu aveti sira spinarii sa raspundeti la obiect intrebarii lui Petru Clej.

    Mai jos, cititorii neavizati au citeva mostre legate de activitatea criminala a rudei Dvs, un asasin corupt. Cu care va mindriti.

    Radu Lecca
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Radu Lecca (February 15, 1890–1980) was a Romanian spy, journalist, civil servant and convicted war criminal. A World War I veteran who served a prison term for espionage in France during the early 1930s, he was a noted supporter of antisemitic concepts and, after 1933, an agent of influence for Nazi Germany. While becoming a double agent for Romania’s Special Intelligence Service (SSI), Lecca was involved in fascist politics, gained in importance during World War II and the successive dictatorships, and eventually grew close to Conducător Ion Antonescu.

    After 1941, Lecca was Commissioner, later Commissioner General, tasked with solving the „Jewish Question” in Romania, sharing Romania’s responsibility for the Holocaust. Advised by the special German envoys Manfred Freiherr von Killinger and Gustav Richter and acting with Antonescu’s consent, he established the Central Jewish Office (Centrala Evreiască, CE) through which he persecuted, exploited and extorted the Romanian Jewish community, whose existence was threatened by deportations into Transnistria. The system he supervised was notoriously corrupt, with many of the funds extorted being used for the personal benefit of Lecca or his political associates. Commissioner Lecca was also instrumental in negotiating the Final Solution’s application in Romania, a plan which was eventually abandoned, while considering mass emigration to Palestine in exchange for payments.

    After the August 1944 Coup removed Antonescu and aligned Romania with the Allies, Lecca was among the high-ranking Romanian politicians arrested and transported to the Soviet Union. Upon his 1946 return, Lecca was Antonescu’s co-defendant in a People’s Tribunal case, and was condemned to death. His sentence was commuted into life imprisonment and later reduced by the communist regime. After his release, Lecca wrote memoirs which make various controversial claims, and which minimize his and Antonescu’s participation in Holocaust-related crimes.

    Radu Lecca (February 15, 1890–1980) was a Romanian spy, journalist, civil servant and convicted war criminal. A World War I veteran who served a prison term for espionage in France during the early 1930s, he was a noted supporter of antisemitic concepts and, after 1933, an agent of influence for Nazi Germany. While becoming a double agent for Romania’s Special Intelligence Service (SSI), Lecca was involved in fascist politics, gained in importance during World War II and the successive dictatorships, and eventually grew close to Conducător Ion Antonescu.

    After 1941, Lecca was Commissioner, later Commissioner General, tasked with solving the „Jewish Question” in Romania, sharing Romania’s responsibility for the Holocaust. Advised by the special German envoys Manfred Freiherr von Killinger and Gustav Richter and acting with Antonescu’s consent, he established the Central Jewish Office (Centrala Evreiască, CE) through which he persecuted, exploited and extorted the Romanian Jewish community, whose existence was threatened by deportations into Transnistria. The system he supervised was notoriously corrupt, with many of the funds extorted being used for the personal benefit of Lecca or his political associates. Commissioner Lecca was also instrumental in negotiating the Final Solution’s application in Romania, a plan which was eventually abandoned, while considering mass emigration to Palestine in exchange for payments.

    After the August 1944 Coup removed Antonescu and aligned Romania with the Allies, Lecca was among the high-ranking Romanian politicians arrested and transported to the Soviet Union. Upon his 1946 return, Lecca was Antonescu’s co-defendant in a People’s Tribunal case, and was condemned to death. His sentence was commuted into life imprisonment and later reduced by the communist regime. After his release, Lecca wrote memoirs which make various controversial claims, and which minimize his and Antonescu’s participation in Holocaust-related crimes.


    The Traffic Department

    24 September [1942]


    Regarding your letter 896/212 Col. SIC, this is to inform you that Marshal Ion Antonescu has ordered that “evacuation of the Jews from the country shall be prepared in minute detail by the Interior Ministry on the basis of the guidelines [provided] by Mr. Mihai Antonescu.” Please apply to the Interior Ministry for the solution of the problems mentioned in your letter.


    Radu Lecca


    Early Life And Career
    Born in Leca village part of Ungureni, Bacău County, Radu Lecca was the scion of a landowning family, being educated in Vienna and Paris. Drafted into the Romanian Army in 1915, and, after Romania’s entry into the war the following year, saw action on the local front. During the interwar years, he worked as a commercial agent, returning to France. In 1931, French authorities arrested him and a French court convicted him for espionage, based on revelations that he had provided Romanian King Carol II with sensitive information about prominent politicians in the pay of France. Tasked with promoting German interests upon his return to Romania, he transferred clandestine funds from Rosenberg to the fascist and antisemitic National Christian Party. Polish historian Jerzy W. Borejsza describes the „intense contacts” between, on one side, Lecca and National Christian leader Octavian Goga, alongside men from the radically fascist Iron Guard, and, on the other, Rosenberg, while describing Romania as one of the countries most infiltrated by Rosenberg’s agents.

    Lecca also contacted the SSI with an offer to become a double agent, and was accepted. This was taking place around the time the Legionary Rebellion was crushed by the Conducător with the acquiescence of Adolf Hitler. As a result, Antonescu ordered Lecca to communicate these dealings to Manfred Freiherr von Killinger, the new German Ambassador, a task which Lecca accomplished, He also alleged that Antonescu was unaware of the murders, and that he had swiftly condemned them, actions which he claimed to have witnessed first-hand. Iunius or Junius Lecca, a subordinate of Eugen Cristescu within the SSI and purportedly Radu Lecca’s relative, is believed to have helped in planning the antisemitic crimes.

    Central Jewish Office Establishment
    Radu Lecca was assigned Jewish Affairs Commissioner and supervisor of the newly-created Central Jewish Office in late 1941, a position he is believed to have owed to Killinger’s intercession. The latter institution had been suggested to Romanian authorities by Nazi German envoys charged with committing Romania to common Final Solution projects. Gustav Richter, the German official directly involved in the negotiations, hoped the Central Jewish Office would function as a Judenrat ensuring the compliance of Jewish community leaders. Lecca was in close contacts with both Richter and Killinger, establishing a communication channel leading from the latter to Conducător Antonescu and his deputy Mihai Antonescu.

    Richter personally suggested to Lecca the selection of Nandor Gingold, a Jewish physician and lapsed Roman Catholic convert, as General Secretary of the CE Central Committee. Lecca’s personal selection for CE President was Henric Streitman, a respected journalist of the interwar period, who believed that collaboration offered a path to survival, and whose subsequent assignments were mostly symbolic.

    The CE was initially tasked with statistical surveys, as well as with organizing special taxation, expropriation, welfare and the civil conscription of Romanian Jews as a labor force for the Romanian Army on the Eastern Front and behind the lines. It was as a result of Lecca’s proposals that, in January 1942, the Antonescu regime outlawed the Jewish Federation, a traditional representative body and advocacy group presided over by Wilhelm Filderman.

    Extortion Mechanisms And Extermination Proposals
    Beginning in early 1942, Lecca supervised extortion initiatives, special decrees which required all non-deported Jews to contribute special cash funds for social causes benefiting ethnic Romanians. In January of that year, he reported to Ion Antonescu that some 20,000 people affected by this provision lacked the money and had therefore been prosecuted, and successfully proposed instead that the total sum of 100 million lei be collected from more affluent members of the community, through the Central Jewish Office. In August, he drafted a project to levy 1.2 billion lei from those Jews who had received dispensation from „Romanianization” policies, and were thus still employed outside the community, on the pretense that it would help their conscripted coreligionists. The project was endorsed by his superiors, who requested a further 800 million, half of which was diverted to a state-endorsed charity headed by Ion Antonescu’s spouse Maria.

    In September 1942, Lecca was contacted by German officials in the matter of planned transports from Romania, specifically southern Transylvania and the Banat, to Nazi extermination camps, and confirmed that both Ion and Mihai Antonescu had approved them on principle while also communicating this to the Romanian Railways. Preparations were in place when the Romanian leader changed his decision. Researchers propose that a reason for this was a manifestation of nationalist sentiment, with Romanian politicians objecting to the Nazi German interventions in its internal politics. According to American historian Monty Noam Penkower, a decisive factor in canceling the order was Lecca being „snubbed” by the subordinates of German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop.

    The early extortion measures were followed in May 1943 by Lecca’s designs of collecting 4 billion from Jews who, as his report to the government claimed, „enjoy the freedom to trade and live protected from war”. This too was supported by the Antonescu executive, who ruled that Jews who failed to contribute were going to be deported into Transnistria. The requirement caused the vocal protests of Filderman, who was consequently deported by Antonescu and brought back by further protests from the part of tolerated opposition forces. In November, Lecca agreed to hand the control over 15% of the total collected sum to the CE, to be used for aiding Jewish deportees and labor conscripts.

    Separate Projects And Corruption
    By then, he was involved in dealings to have Jews from Romanian-controlled territories transferred into Palestine. He was initially approached by Apostolic Nuncio Andrea Cassulo, who asked him to intervene and allow Jewish orphans in Transnistria safe passage. At their first meeting in spring 1941, Lecca reportedly agreed, but no further measure of this kind had been taken by September, when Cassulo decided to intervene directly with the Conducător, who refused his request on the grounds that no „desired guarantees” were presented. In the context of Nazi pressures to have Romanian Jews exterminated in Poland, Lecca made provisions for some 3,000 Jews to be saved and sent to Palestine in exchange for 2 million lei. In 1943, Richter warned Lecca not to approve of Filderman’s proposal to have some 4,000 to 5,000 orphaned children transported out of Transnistria and into Palestine, and whom the Allies had agreed to accept. Ion Antonescu himself only allowed sporadic transports of orphans in 1944, at a time when it became clear that the Axis was losing the war. In late 1942, Lecca had also begun negotiating with smugglers and Zionists organizing the Aliyah Bet transit, as well as with Filderman, Mişu Benvenisti and other local Jewish activists. This form of emigration was supposed to be carried out in exchange for 200,000 lei per person saved. Claiming Antonescu’s acquiescence, Lecca even informed Killinger about them, causing German alarm and a warning that those passing through Bulgaria would be arrested.

    Documents and testimonies of the period record Lecca’s corruption. His supervision benefited influential civilian administrators and soldiers, who made fortunes trafficking dispensations from compulsory labor. Lecca himself claimed that he collected money not just for Maria Antonescu, but also for Mihai Antonescu and Killinger. According to other accounts, he intended to keep some of the money extorted from Jews willing to leave for Palestine, and had received 20 million lei from the surviving Jewish community in Iaşi, in exchange for revisiting some of the measures he had initiated. In July 1943, he called for postponing the confiscation Iaşi’s Jewish Cemetery, but his decision was ignored by the city’s antisemitic mayor, Constantin Ifrim, whose only revision on the initial order was accepting that exhumation could be performed by persons of the Judaic faith. In September of the same year, Lecca was promoted to the position of Commissioner General by the Antonescu executive, and his department was integrated into a Secretariat for Labor. The same month, Ifrim sent Lecca a report in which he called for the deportation of Iaşi Jews into Transnistria and the German-held Reichskommissariat Ukraine.

    Prison Term And Final Years
    In late 1944, soon after the August 23 Coup overturned the Ion Antonescu regime, Radu Lecca was arrested and taken into custody by the Soviet occupation forces and transported into Soviet territory. He was returned into Romanian custody together with Ion Antonescu, Eugen Cristescu, Governor of Transnistria Gheorghe Alexianu, General Constantin Pantazi and General Constantin Vasiliu. He was subsequently a co-defendant in the Antonescu’s 1946 trial by the People’s Tribunal, on counts of war crimes, crimes against the peace and treason, and sentenced to death on May 17. On May 31, his sentence, like those of Cristescu and Vasiliu, was commuted to forced labor for life, through a special decree issued by King Michael I, who thus answered specific requests from the Communist Party-led Petru Groza cabinet, made in the name of „national interest”.

    While in Securitate custody, Radu Lecca was subjected to several inquiries, producing written statements which were kept in special files. Romanian-born Israeli historian Jean Ancel presumes that the Securitate had vested interest in allowing Lecca to produce a personal version of Romania’s World War II history, because it shared his goal of shifting focus from Romania’s participation in the Holocaust. Having had his sentenced reduced to 18 years and 6 months, Lecca was ultimately released from prison in 1963, and soon after began writing his controversial memoirs.

    After the 1989 Revolution, which succeeded in toppling communism, Lecca’s memoirs saw print with Editura Roza Vânturilor, a newly-founded nationalist publishing house, under the title Eu i-am salvat pe evreii din România „It Is I Who Saved Romania’s Jews”. The edition is also based on his Securitate testimonies, and, according to Ancel, the post-communist Social Democratic and nationalist authorities took special care in making the book available. He also alleged that Yannos Pandelis and Constantin Bursan, who represented the Zionist side in discussions about transfers to Palestine, were double agents of the United Kingdom and Germany.

  • Petru Clej: (9-10-2010 la 05:02)

    E o impostură, doamnă Roth, un individ pe nume Nicholas Waldmann, pripășit prin Australia, a făcut „o glumă” ca să ne „testeze” și s-a dat drept „Mugur Lecca”.

  • Vlad Solomon: (9-10-2010 la 11:04)


    Criminalul Radu Lecca e unul dintre cele mai viclene personaje din anturajul lui Antonescu, un asasin mirsav.

    Nicolae s-a crezut ‘destept’ , luindu-si indentitatea falsa, sa faca „haz”, in incercarea de a „testa” onestitatea celor care colaboreaza la revista.

    Nu se „glumeste” cu amintirea celor asasinati din ordinul sau cu complicitatea lui Radu Lecca.

    Drept care Petru a decis sa sterga comentariile unui impostor.

    Totusi e bine ca s-a amintit cine a fost acest criminal. Ca sa nu deformam realitatea si sa nu falsificam istoria, lucru care se petrece in Romania de azi, sub ochi nostri.

    Sper ca doamna Alina a fost satisfacuta si informata.

    D-nei Beatrice- intr-adevar, un destin ciudat, cred ca Radu Lecca s-ar rasuci in mormint, aflind ca o nepoata a sa e in Israel si poate confirma ceea ce se stie despre abjectul si vicleanul Radu Lecca.

    Numai bine,

    Vlad Solomon
    Kiriat Ono, Israel

  • Stefan N. Maier: (10-10-2010 la 02:03)

    Ignorati-o pe „Beatrice Roth”. Este un personaj fictiv, inventat de la un IP din Australia care se va adauga listei noastre negre:
    Una sau mai multe persoane din Australia au decis sa ne testeze capabilitatile tehnice in ultimele zile 🙂

  • Petru Clej: (10-10-2010 la 05:04)

    Valabil și pentru Ibolia Benedek, Doru Stamate Se pare că individul Nicholas Waldmann de la Sydney în lipsă de preocupări serioase își dedică o bună parte din timp acestei activități derizorii.

  • olivia: (11-10-2010 la 02:02)

    M-ar interesa amaunte despre opozanţi la Partidului Comunist Român, începând cu anul stiu mai nimic despre acest subiect si marturisesc ca nu am crezut ca a fost multa opozitie, inafara de Paul Goma, singurul de care am auzit dar desigur ma insel. Puteti sa-mi reomandti surse de incredere la acest subiect? Va rog sa-mi scuzati ignorantza. multumesc cu anticipatie. De asemenea puteti va rog sa clarificati ce intelegeti prin „sau care au avut de suferit în timpul regimului comunst.” cred ca intrun fel sau altul toata populatia cu exceptia a cativa a avut de suferit, de aia poate precizati ce v-ar interesa. A fost deja judecat cineva? Inca o data va rog sa-mi scuzati ignorantza, da de aia intreb.

  • Petru Clej: (11-10-2010 la 04:33)

    Vă recomand să citiți aici Raportul COMISIEI PREZIDENȚIALE PENTRU ANALIZA DICTATURII COMUNISTE DIN ROMÂNIA. A apărut foarte recent, în decembrie 2006, așa că nu e de mirare că nu ați auzit de el. A propos președinte al acestei comisii a fost un domn pe nume Vladimir Tismăneanu, nu știu dacă ați auzit de numele lui, pentru unii e extrem de obscur.

  • olivia: (11-10-2010 la 20:02)

    Nu cred ca am fost suficet de clara. Am citit raportul, cand l-am citit m-au interesat anumine lucruri, acum ma intereseaza intrebarile de mai jos, nu mai stiu unde si daca as putea sa gasesc ceva despre rezistenta romanilor la regimul comunist, apoi ma intereseaza daca vreunul dintre cei gasiti criminali in raport au fost judecati si condamnati, daca scrie in acest raport poate ma ajutati sa gasesc unde. Multumesc cu anticipatie.

Dacă doriţi să scrieţi comentariul dv. cu diacritice: prelungiţi apăsarea tastei literei de bază. Apoi alegeţi cu mouse-ul litera corectă (apare alături de mai multe variante) şi ridicaţi degetul de pe litera de bază. Încercaţi!

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