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de (8-3-2006)

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If this informations regardind partner request in FP6 project is interesting for you please be in direct contact with the proposer.

Best regards

Gabriel Vladut

BBS Ref : 2006-03-03_ist6-Leitinger
Title : aktivTV – The first interactive TV channel for generation 50plus
ABSTRACT:With new state-of-the-art technology a new future platform forentertainment, information, education, communication/dialog, transactionand service is built, personalized for the generation 50plus. The aim isto actively involve the audience and to establish aktivTV as the mainplatform for the activities of the target group. With its all new idea ofcontent and service, aktivTV offers comfortable and safe access to theworld of digital TV and internet, according to individual customers’needs.

DESCRIPTION:The projectThe primary aim of aktivTV is to successfully build and operate a digitalTV-channel. With new state-of-the-art technology a new future platform forentertainment, information, education, communication/dialog, transactionand service is built, personalized for the generation 50plus. The TV, asthe most common media, combined with the potentials of the internet, isused to actively involve the audience and to establish aktivTV as the mainplatform. This will be achieved through a very first step provision of aninteractive (bi-directional) access on the base of the cable networkinfrastructure in Baden-Württemberg (as a representative pilot region).With its all new idea of content and service, aktivTV offers comfortable and safe access to the world of digital TV and internet, according toindividual customers’ needs.

The project is inter-disciplanary, covering social aspects ofre-integration of elder peaople in the active society as well as thedevelopment and establishment of new innovative technological standards.

The implementation phase is split in three stages.Stage 1 begins in the second quarter of 2006 with the launch of the online-portal. In the following quarter, the broadcast of aktivTV as afree TV-channel starts.In the second stage services and technologies will be further developpeduntil the end of 2006.In stage 3, from 2007 on, the interactive channel will start with adetailed offer, mainly in cooperation with local partners.

The target groupEven though the audience, the generation 50plus, is proven to have thehighest purchasing power, however, it is barely addressed through media.Furthermore, their proportion of the population constantly rises. Theanalysis of media usage, attitude to life and cunsumer behaviour leads thefocus on the necessity of new offers.

The technologyInteractive TV is future technology with a lot of great potential. Besidesvery few pilot projects and vague standards, however, innovative companiescan achieve a leadership in technology and apply a standard for futuredevelopments. Digital TV, internet and mobile services are available andtechnically mature. As a medial turn-key-solution they are bundled for thefirst time and focus specific audience demands. The combination of thetechnical options and advantages offers practical benefit and a noticeableadded value.

The best thing: Every offer and service is available withoutmedia discontinuity through the TV-set and a simple remote control. In theend TV, internet and telephony/mobile phones merge to especially fornon-specialists easy-to-use offers.
Development stage: Proposal Under DevelopmentEuropean funding source(s) : FP6 – Integrating European Research, Information

Society technologies
Type of Project: FP6 Integrated project
Keywords : Databases, Database Management, Data Mining (001002010), Internet Technologies/Communication (Wireless, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth)(001002014), Applications for Health (001003001), Smart cards and accesssystems (001001016), Digital Systems, Digital Representation (001001002), Information and media, society (011003), Citizens participation (011006) Organisation type :

CompanyOrganisation size : <50Other details : - e.Marketing Management & e.Performance Management- e.Business Intelligence- e.IT-Management/ Software Development- e.Innovations & New Media Target partner organisation type(s) : SME (<250 employees), Large Company,UniversityTarget partner expertise sought : The complexity of the project asdescribed above demands specialists in their individual field. We arelooking for highly specalized SMEs as well as \"big players\" who areinterested in being part of the syndicate around the project \"aktivTV\". The potential partners should either have their origin in the informationand communication technology, television and broadcast business(technology either) or could also be an institute or research organizationor university. It is necessary that all partners dispose of excellentexpertise in their individual field. Application domains : Telecommunications Contact : Alexandra Bilaniuk Email : Telephone : +49 711 123 40-14 Fax : +49 711 123 40-11 WWW : Partner Request Entered by:Organisation: Steinbeis Europa Zentrum City: Stuttgart Organisation Country: Germany Organisation Telephone: +49 711 123 40-10 Organisation Fax: +49 711 123 40-11 Organisation Email: Organisation Web: Entry date : 3/3/2006 Deadline for responses: 25/4/2006 2. PARTNER REQUESTBBS Ref : EK 01/06Title : Looking for partnership in the STREP Policy orientated researchABSTRACT:An German Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and EasternEurope, having expertise in farm level environmental and sustainabilityassessment of the agricultural sector operational at regional, nationaland EU level. They are looking for a project participation for the CallidentifierFP 6 2005 ssp-5A, Task 9 Assessing sustainability of farms.DESCRIPTION:TermsAchieving sustainability means meeting challenges: an economic challenge;a social challenge (by improving living conditions and economicopportunities in rural areas); and an ecological challenge (by promotinggood environmental practices as well as the provision of services linkedto the maintenance of habitats, biodiversity and landscape).The aim of the research is twofold:- to develop an analytical approach for the assessment of sustainabilityfor different farm systems, on the basis of existing databases (e.g. theFarm Accountancy Data Network) in combination with specific supplementaryrecordings to cover biodiversity and social sustainability. The toolshould built on existing European tools for. It should including thedevelopment of a quantitative tool allowing an integrated analysis of theimpact of policies on producers' decision-making, the economic viabilityof farming systems, the associated agricultural output, structure,employment, income as well as their welfare and environmentalconsequences;- to analyse the medium-term prospects for the sustainability of farms inthe EU and to examine the impact of alternative policy frameworks(including market, rural development and environmental policies) on thesustainability of farming systems in the EU at regional, national and EUlevels. Expected output:- a methodological approach and analytical tool for the sustainabilityan analysis of the medium-term prospects for the sustainability of farmsin the EU and results from policy simulationsDevelopment stage : IdeaEuropean funding source(s) : Citizens and governance in an open Europeanknowledge-based society, FP6 - Integrating European ResearchType of Project: FP6 Demonstration projectKeywords : Agriculture (007001)Organisation type : Technical/Research Centre Organisation size : 50-249Other details : Our expertise is farm level environmental andsustainability assessment of the agricultural sector operational atregional, national and EU level; in Central and Eastern EuropeTarget partner organisation type(s) : Research/Technology CentreTarget partner expertise sought : active in a similar field, able tocoordinate an EU-project Application domains : Agriculture - ForestryContact : Klaus, Dr. ReinsbergEmail : reinsberg@iamo.deTelephone : +49 (0)345 2 92 81 33Fax : +49 (0) 345 2 92 81 99WWW : www.iamo.deOrganisation: tti Magdeburg GmbHOrganisation Country: GermanyOrganisation Telephone: +49 (0)391 7443542Organisation Fax: +49 (0) 391 7443544Organisation Email: ircpost@tti-md.deOrganisation Web: www.tti-md.deEntry date : 2/3/2006Deadline for responses: 17/3/2006


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