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Cele mai recente contributii la rubrica Poeme, Eseuri, Proza


You are the most

de (11-7-2010)
3 ecouri

Put these glasses and look into this mirror that I am giving you now.

Look at yourself:
You have a huge amount of money,
All the time in the world,
And are the most beautiful person alive.
You are healthy and strong
like a young untamed horse in the prarie,
And free of any obligations.
You are smarter than the smartest
And faster than the fastest.

Now think for a first second:
You have all the money to buy what you want,
All the time to do what you want,
And you are as beautiful as to be loved by whom you want.
Your health and strength allow you to do anything you want
And you love what you do, without it being an obligation.
Nobody is better than you at what you do
With passion, focus and skill.

Now think again, for a second second:
You want what your money can buy
And have the time to do what you should.
Beauty is a flame in the eyes of the beholder
And it’s this fire that you should keep alive and not the decaying appearance.
Your health and strength are just right for what you want to do
As those around you judge you more by the right intentions
Than by the right results – although, your results are much welcome!

Finally, please give me back the glasses and the mirror
(I want to share them with others).
Feel the taste of food in your mouth,
Feel on your skin the elements and the touch of your beloved,
Get the meaning of what you listen to,
Watch attentively what you watch,
Don’t refrain your sneezing , your appetite to sing and to dance,
And just love what you do. Do what you do, with love!
Nobody will be better at it, whether smarter, faster,
More beautiful, having huge amounts of money or any other sorts of powers.

July 6, 2010


  • Razvan S: (21-9-2010 la 17:43)

    Extraordinar violonist, Itzhak Perlman si o bucata excelenta. M-a pus pe ginduri „you are the most”. Foarte frumos; felicitari.

  • Mihaela L: (5-1-2011 la 07:59)

    Intr’adevar ne lasam antrenati de tot ceea ce inconjoara ca sa supravietuim in acest univers destructor(deseori) si uitam esentialul : sa traim!!
    Muzica este minunata si perfect armonizata „oglizii” ; un moment rar de repunere personala in cauza…
    Draga Stefan, continua sa ne daruiesti aceste „bijuterii” care sunt secretul tau!
    Toate gândurile bune si un an nou cum ti’l doresti

  • Stefan N. Maier: (7-1-2011 la 01:33)

    Multumesc, Mihaela,
    Cele mai bune ganduri si sper sa incantam candva cititorii revistei ACUM si cu cateva dintre picturile tale!

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Citește articolul precedent:
Școlarizarea cetățenilor de origine etnică română în învățământul de stat din România, pentru anul școlar / universitar 2010-2011

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