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Romanian Studies Student Conference

de (12-11-2008)

Romanian Studies Student Conference
February 27 and 28, 2009
Indiana University

In February 2009, Indiana University’s Romanian Studies Organization (RomSO) will host the second annual Romanian Studies Student Conference. We are delighted to announce that Holly Case, Associate Professor of History at Cornell University, will deliver the keynote address entitled “A Powerful Example: Regional Networks around Romanian Problems.” Please forward this call for papers to anyone who may be interested in participating.

We welcome paper proposals from graduate students and recent PhDs on any topic related to Romania, Moldova, or the Romanian diaspora in any discipline or methodology, including but not limited to history, political science, economics, international relations, anthropology, literature, sociology, musicology, and cultural studies. Especially encouraged are papers that take an interdisciplinary approach.

Please submit abstracts of 250-300 words, along with your contact information to by January 15, 2009. We will be pre-circulating the papers so that our commentators can provide more extensive feedback. Therefore, if your paper is selected we ask that you submit a completed paper by February 16, 2009.

Any other inquiries about the conference may be directed to Erin Biebuyck at or to the Indiana University Romanian Studies Organization at


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