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Premiul Mary Zirin – apel la candidatură

de (22-8-2010)

A Reminder of the Deadline for Zirin Prize Nominations

The Association for Women in Slavic Studies is seeking nominations for the Mary Zirin award. The Zirin Prize Committee will accept nominations (including self-nominations) until 1 September 2010.

The award of $500 is named for Mary Zirin, the founder of Women East-West. Working as an independent scholar, Zirin produced or encouraged, fundamental works in Slavic/East European Women’s Studies and has been instrumental in the development of the AWSS. The Prize aims to recognize the achievements of independent scholars and to encourage their continued scholarship and service in the fields of Slavic or Central and Eastern European Women’s Studies.

Nominations should be no more than two-pages double-spaced plus the CV of the person nominated. They must include consideration of the scholar’s contribution to the field as well as work in progress. The candidate’s major publications and supporting reviews should be submitted as well. For a partial list of past recipients click here. The Committee urges the nomination of candidates at all career stages. For the purpose of this award, an independent scholar is defined as a scholar who is not employed at an institution of higher learning or an employee of a university or college who is not eligible to compete for institutional support for research (for example, those teaching under short-term contracts or working in administrative posts). We welcome nominations from CIS and Central and Eastern Europe.

Nominations should be sent to Irina Livezeanu at; or via fax to 412-648-9074; or by postal mail to the Department of History, 3520 Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15206.


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