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Cele mai recente contributii la rubrica Jurnal Cultural


Trienala Internațională de Arhitecură – a treia dimensiune a arhitecturii

de (15-3-2009)

main competition regulation – third dimension of architecture

The subject of the competition is “The Third Dimension of Architecture”, or 50 high rise buildings for the historic city of Cracow. Answers are expected from the participants to the questions posed in the introduction through the designing of the city, its parts, in a multi-dimensional expanse.

The competitions will be international, open and conceptual in character.
• Cracow is a historic city with the central part well preserved in the form of a medieval, renaissance and modern town, which is a layer of former history. The phenomenon that is Cracow is the preservation of the centre inconstantly the self same location for the course of the last 800 years achieved through the stratification of cultures laid on each other and in mutual reaction.
• The solution proposed for the object should take into consideration the urban context, the presentation of which is a part of the design scope.
• In particular attention should be paid to the third architectural dimension; the height of the city is something that can be seen as equally from an internal as an external perspective.
• The devising of a programme for the city that is the subject of the work is one of the elements of the task, one to be solved by the participants; at present Cracow is a city of history, learning, technology, heavy industry and tourism.
The competition will be judged by authorities of international standing. The intention on the part of the organizers was for local activities to be evaluated by independent architects. The following individuals have been invited to comprise the inter-national jury: Hans Kolhoff (Berlin), Stefan Kuryłowicz (Warszawa), Jo Coenen (Amsterdam), Toyo Ito (Tokio).
There will be cash prizes for the competition• first prize of 50,000 Polish Zloty• second prize of 20 0000 Polish Zloty• third prize of 10 000 Polish Zloty• two awards of distinction of 5,000 Polish Zloty each.
Following on from the practice of previous biennale competitions there are envisaged additional sponsorship and honorary prizes.

Calendar of events
participant registration: from 15.01.2009
questions: 6.03.2009
the deadline for the sending of works: 6.04.2009, godz. 24:00
the announcement of competition results: 17.04.2009 (Friday), 18:00
Competition works expo: 8.04.2009 do 30.04.2009
Exhibition: Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Bunkier Sztuki, pl. Szczepański 3a, Kraków

source: oar & uia


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