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Expoziția ‘Patrimoniul României în pericol’ la Londra

de (31-10-2008)

The National Trust of Romania

(The ADEPT Foundation)


Would like to invite you to the private view of the exhibition “Romania ’s Heritage in Danger” and opening reception to the

Festival of Art and Music 2008, Monday 24 November 2008, 7-10pm, at the Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square , London SW1X 8PH

Canapés & Champagne

RSVP on order form below (please scroll down)

All events will be held at the Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square , London SW1X 8PH

Monday 24 November 2008

7-10pm: Reception and private view of the exhibition “ Romania ’s Heritage in Danger”, showing villages, towns and different building types under threat, and the work of organisations like ADEPT and PRO PATRIMONIO counteracting the threat. It includes a section on the village, with special emphasis on carpets and weaving*, illustrated with paintings by CELIA WARD and films of village life.

The exhibition will be open to the public from 10am to 5pm on 25 and 26 November 2008.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

7-9pm: “Fauna and Flora of Southern Transylvania”, illustrated lecture by ADEPT botanist and conservationist Dr. John Akeroyd
Wine and canapés will be served after the lecture.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

7-9pm: Concert of classical and folk music – Sherban Lupu, violin, and the Peasant Virtuosos of Romania

Wine and canapés will be served after the concert.

* Some 50 carpets, by Maria Nistor (southern Transylvania), Victoria Berbecaru (Maramures) and Iulian and Maria Mihalachi (Moldavia) will be on view at the exhibition, but because commercial transactions are not allowed on diplomatic ground, the carpets will be for sale to the public at PRO PATRIMONIO’s offices, 54-62 Regent Street (7th floor), London W1B 5RE, from 27 November to 5 December, 10am to 5pm (not Saturday and Sunday). There will also be a catalogue listing prices of paintings and carpets, which will be circulated in advance, enabling sales to be conducted by post – the catalogue is available to down load as pdf from

ORDER FORM (print out and post to PRO PATRIMONIO Foundation, PO Box 2297 , London W1A 5GG )

We would request that you, and any guest you wish to bring, make a donation of £20 per person, per event (£15 for Members of PRO PATRIMONIO) if you would like to attend one or more of the evening events:

• 24 November – Reception and private view No. of tickets……£…..

• 25 November – Lecture & reception No. of tickets……£…..

• 26 November – Concert of classical and folk music & reception No. of tickets……£…..

Payment by cheque, made payable to ‘PRO PATRIMONIO’, or by Credit Card (not American Express):

I authorise PRO PATRIMONIO to debit my account with £…….., representing my donation.
Credit Card no. ………………………. ……………………….
Last three digits of number above Credit Card holder’s signature ……………………….
Card type:………………………………… Expiry date:………………………..
Name:……………………………………… Signature:……………………………….

If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation.

Please return form to PRO PATRIMONIO Foundation, PO Box 2297 , London W1A 5GG

Pro Patrimonio, The National Trust of Romania, is an international not-for-profit, non governmental organization whose mission is to identify, preserve, and advocate for the historic heritage of Romania . Its aim is to restore, rescue and revitalize endangered buildings and sites for the benefit of future generations.

Pro Patrimonio restores and protects historic buildings and landmarks, important architecture, archaeological sites, traditional villages, traditional crafts and skills.

Details on


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