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Breakfast in America (III) Cunoștință cu un Gambino

de (3-8-2008)
Doi prieteni, doua lumi unite intr-o carteDoi prieteni, doua lumi unite intr-o carte

Intr-o dimineata un tip imbracat in negru, brunet si cu ochi patrunzatori, vorba taioasa, inexpresiva se aseaza la una din mesele mele si mai mult prin gesturi decat prin cuvinte imi expune micul dejun dorit : suc de portocale, fructe si cereale neindulcite… un fel de a manca discrepant cu tinuta atletica, mai degraba de luptator, de barbat meridional.

Lucrand cu clientii am invatat cand sa tac, cand trebuie sa ii intreb daca mai vor cate ceva, daca totul e ok etc. I-am lasat nota de plata, tipul s-a ridicat de la masa, a plecat in graba fara sa fi fost observat.

Nu la scurt timp acelasi client isi face aparitia si zarindu-ma de la intrare arata cu degetul spre mine si se aseaza din nou in sectia mea de mese.

Nici nu apuc sa-l salut, ii aduc micul dejun si ii pun factura. Individul iti transmitea teama, dar si o fascinatie, are un fel anume de a atrage prin naturaletea si stilul de persoana degajata in cele mai diferite situatii.

Debbie, o colega de lucru imi spune : “ This guy is cool !”
Nu l-am intrebat niciodata nimic, desi devenise clientul meu obisnuit. Mi-am dat seama dupa accent ca e din New York, mai degraba din Brooklyn.

Intr-o alta dimineata ma intreaba daca sunt roman. Am ramas stupefiat si am realizat ca tonul taios disparuse si tipul imi devenise prieten.

“I m Christopher Gambino, my future wife is Romanian like you, but she s not in USA yet”.

Incet, incet ne-am apropiat unul de celalalt. Cred ca putini sunt cei ce nu vor fi auzit de familia Gambino,
Christopher mi-a precizat ca nu orice italo-american este un criminal sau mafiot.

Mi-am adus aminte imediat de rromii din Italia si de romanii ce trec prin aceeasi fotografiere grabita, generalizare neselectiva.

Nu m-a deranjat faptul ca era descendentul familiei Gambino. Aveam un client deosebit si un prieten nou.
Christopher Gambino este si autorul unui roman numit My Only Son, o fresca prezenta a unei familii italiene mafiote, confruntata cu rigorile vietii de sindicat newyorkez binecunoscut Americii si lumii intregi.
Dialogurile noastre se prelungesc de ani si as numi acest fapt ca o benefica prietenie intre doi scriitori, intre doua lumi diferite.

Am sa fragmentez parte din discutiile noastre in engleza in ideea respectului meu fata de el, si oferindu-i posibilitatea sa le reciteasca publicate in magazinul nostru on line ca pe un interviu exclusiv si cu drepturi depline.

We have met longtime ago. Almost ten years…I was your waiter, you my client. Chris, it s a pleasure for our readers to introduce you as our special guest, a different guest this time!

Because now America is not far from the new elections I d like you tell us your thoughts, your concerns as writer and as American citizen about the nation’s future.

It is absurd that we Americans let the Government dictate on how we are supposed to live our lives. It should be the opposite, remember that the government serves the people; you and I are those people. []. Today we can hardly afford to put gas in our cars, but yet we allow them to raise the price and we sadly go and pay it. Why is it when you have money every bank, or lender wants to give you loans, when you do not need it, but when you do need it, they turn their backs. They come up with every type of excuse that you can imagine. Why don’t these politicians enact a law that states, one time if a person needs money the banks should bend the rules. They are relentless in asking us to over extend ourselves and cause us to go into debt. You ask them for something, and we are denied. God forbid you are late with a payment, they start calling every 8 hours.

I am disgusted with way this election is going. It is like a school fight only Televised and the curse words are used more political. I would like to see each of the candidates go on national TV and take lie detector test. This would stop the slander remarks about religion. I would really like to see what is on his and her mind. Let us see whom we really have in office. I would bet that both or perhaps all candidates would fail. Our people are taught to worship celebrities, kids and adults alike. We, the God worshippers, will loose our mind, wealth, future and country, when we worshipped man instead.

What are and who are the real politicians?

The campaign managers, and mighty people without name behind the screen, are usually the master of their puppets mutating them from selfish people to becoming adorable celebrities. Those candidates are in majority actors, who “play” the role of Angels, Saviors, Heroes, etc, according to their script, which is prepared by their think tank team, the brains in hidden offices. The script war is then performed on TV, in every campaign show they speak like super-star doing his/her entertaining their audience; and the Media moguls rub their hands to see the product-sales are up, the profits are flourishing. Most of our presidency candidates have no clue of what they have said, just like a brave actors; they learn their speeches words by words. A gay actor may play a hetero role; in the world of imaginary all is allowed. Nothing is true or real with them; just like movie, all is fake. Bush to Kennedy? There has been only One JFK, at least for us genuine Americans.

Does Obama really like the United States? Did Hillary ever take money in exchange for political power? Did either candidate or promise any organizations if they are elected they will pass some program? What really is their sexual orientation? What religion does Barrack Hussein Obama really have in his heart?

Since when are we allowed to live with double legal standard? Has either candidate ever lied to us Americans? Does Hillary want to become president because this is a payback to Bill, or what is really on her agenda? Why is it that both candidates have to become president in order to make change? Why can’t they do it now? Every president who has gotten into office has to deal with congress. Unless they are going to have a clean house, and create a new congress with people of integrity, it would be a loss battle to an even worse leadership.

Where to go (quo vadis) America? Do you have an answer?

America is ours and not theirs. It is a Godly country that is constituted by sincere Christians, who worshipped Jesus Christ, and therefore blessed to become the wealthiest on earth. We love all people, and they came from allover the world, Europe, Africa and Asia, yes even welcome millions of citizen from Islam Arab continents. We let them to become one of us, treat all equally, share the wealth, the right and the education, as no other country in the world can do. We as Americans have to stand up and not hide in the closet and not let them dictate what our American founders built this country for, read in Google the History of our nation, read Mayflower members, remember what they were and why they came here. What happen to the “FREE” America that they built with their tears, hard work, sweats and blood? We help every country but not our own, this can not go well.

Don’t you think we should stop this, by finding out who are the bad servants and replace him as quick as possible, not paying high wages for their bad jobs and let them be worry with supporting their lives with hard working, so they learn to care for themselves! We are making third world countries rich, by exporting our jobs out of the USA, buying their oil, products and out of those few American entertainment and movie stars, individuals got rich because we see their movies and who then have billions of dollars to buy the Presidency for their own agenda; while the majority of us, the average middle class and brave Americans are getting a back seat and condemned to suffer further. Sometimes I feel that we are the first class nation that goes back to the third world country, thank the bad leader.

After being elected what should a president do first?

We are the only industrialized and civilized country that does not offer “FREE” health care. Our system was once built upon “country serves people” is today distorted to become “people serves celebrities”. Are we willing to sacrifice all that our forefathers had done for almost 280 years for naught, and let some selfish individuals to ruin what we have left? Do not be lured by organization, democrats or republicans, a true leader is usually free from such “club mentality” or ideology limitation. Our nation is in danger to loose everything. Empty promises have been sold as beautifully wrapped gift boxes, with Hollywood style, selling just incredible dream that will burst so quickly as colorful air balloons, when a needle of reality meets them. Do some research and see how many civilized countries have free Health care. Canada right across the border offers a better plan then we do. America is the richest nation on earth and almost every 6th American has no health care [].

What about the Italians in USA? I know you live what the gypsies and Romanians are going through in Europe.

Something that really disturbs me; the government is constantly going after the “Italian Mafia.” Are the Italians the only ones living in the neighborhoods? I rarely read headlines that Jamaicans, Haitians, Latin’s Russians, who organized major crime syndicates being arrested. Take a look at who is the leader in the US hard facts of crime statistic! On December 31, 2005, there were 2,193,798 people in U.S. prisons and jails. The United States incarcerates a greater share of its population, 737 per 100,000 residents, than any other country on the planet []. The U.S. incarceration rates by race, June 30, 2006: Whites: 409 per 100,000, Latinos: 1,038 per 100,000 and Blacks: 2,468 per 100,000. Look at just the males by race, and the incarceration rates become even more frightening, June 30, 2006: White males: 736 per 100,000, Latino males: 1,862 per 100,000 and Black males: 4,789 per 100,000. These figures do not lie.

We met too many crazy people who call themselves Messiah in our daily lives…. What about the gangs dealing with drugs, raping women, and killing each other as early as at school, the whole world wonder what is going on with our Justice. Lawyers become corruptive, serve those who can pay only. Hollywood can appoint their President at their term and conditions; they have all the money to manipulate our media. The US was once the best country on earth in the Justice, therefore we were so loved by the nations of the world, and today our system is weakened badly, made a big mistake one after another yeah, they have forgotten who built this country…. As Italian Americans, we realized something odd happened to us, they took the Italians out of the neighborhoods that were so safe that you could leave your front door open only they decided to make it a vendetta against Italians and they let the trash into destroy it!

One other thing that government does; A person is convicted of a crime; let us say burglary and it is there first time. They do one year in prison. It was a mistake do to a drug habit. Now this person has learned his/her lesson. How are they supposed to get a decent job, when every application even at 7/11 grocery shop they ask the question “have you ever been convicted of a crime?” This person is forced back into a life of crime.

The government has no good programs that helps ex- cons upon release to find a job or get them acclimated to society. I never understand why politicians do not like to discuss this need and tragic situation in our system, and find solution for that. Is that not their duty? Who else then? Presumably they all have early Alzheimer of their promises, when they wanted the job and promised on the grave of their parents to be voted. Is it a revolving door for the government to make money? They talk about helping AMERICANS, have you seen the evidence? Let us face the reality closer, well average people make mistakes and immediately recognized, just the contrary to the politicians who do unrecognized failures on daily basis and hurting our economy badly. How come that XXXX could be a Senator, when A “crime” for committed drug use be self-forgiven and ours not? I bet if congress took a lie detector or qualification test, most of them would not pass and so our question would be how they can run this country efficiently. I wonder what skeletons they have in their closet.

Are you prepared for the next elections?

Before you vote take a close and good look around you at our children and their children that will have to live in this country. We as AMERICANS need to step up and reclaim what is ours! We want our leader to immediately stop helping other nations, but helping us first. It is our tax money and not theirs’ personal. We need better authorities chosen by top qualification and skilful administrations who know really how to bring best education programs for all, we need a better health care system, we need better programs in a prison system rather then to incarcerate young Americans for naught, and we need to stop giving money to third world or Islam countries who do not give us anything back but evil. We gave Africa billions to survive from starvation and diseases [], Islam Palestinian billions to live without much notice [http://www.israel-palestina../modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=480] and to help Arab countries not killing each with our precious young soldiers’ lives and other billions of our tax USD. The most prominent US African effort is the President Bush Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, more commonly known as PEPFAR. Announced in 2003, the five-year, $15 billion initiative is the largest commitment by any country for an international health program dedicated to a single disease []. Remember, it is our tax money, and we can’t afford our health care. What do we get from them as their thanks? Ask the world’s idiot, they know the answer! We got nothing but evil, hate, revenge, such as 9/11 and constant terrorism.

We need to create jobs here and instead of seeing US products made in China, owned by very sleek American millionaires and billionaires; who instead should heal our economy and start manufacturing products made in the USA! In low-income neighborhoods, we need banks to step up and give everyone a chance for a better life. We all practice religion. We all want to believe that there is something better for us. Do not let them take that away from us, we honor our parents’ teachings, we honor our belief to our God Christ Jesus, but no matter what religion that you have; we will request the law to let you be in freedom to believe in.

It is a simple will and not complex mantra; and I call it pro-active economy recovery and preventive measures with intelligence work to secure our wealth on maintenance basis. Protect our country first at this very crucial vote, do not be lured again by individuals who serve themselves but soothingly, softly telling you that they serve the country. Get the proof; make your due diligence work. Use your healthy common sense, search for the best man who is proven to be caring for his country, who has really sacrificed his best years of life for his land, and who takes America first in his agenda, while every one else in his family is second in priority. It starts with you as Americans to love the blessed and godly United States of America, because there are many wolves with fake lamb clothes around. Do not let be lured, cheated, manipulated, taught, commanded, by any means, be much alerted! Do we have someone who is going to stand up for our country except you yourself? As true AMERICANS, you will do that unconditionally and we will/can do it together!

Are proud to be an AMERICAN?

I am!
(Va urma)


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