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Laura Bretan – Yerushalayim Shel Zahav

de (4-8-2018)

Laura Bretan cântă aici în ebraică. Înregistrarea nu pare a fi profesională.

Interpreta, Laura Bretan (n. 2002) este o cântăreață de operă de origine română, originară din Skokie, Chicago, Illinois, SUA. S-a remarcat pe plan național și internațional, după ce a devenit câștigătoare a concursului Românii au talent, în sezonul 6 (2016). Ea a participă și la versiunea americană a concursului (America’s Got Talent) unde s-a calificat în august 2016 în finală (cf. Wikipwdia). V. şi aici.

„Jerusalem of Gold” (Hebrew: ירושלים של זהב‎, Yerushalayim Shel Zahav) is an Israeli song written by Naomi Shemer. It is also the unofficial national anthem of Israel, often contrasted with the official anthem Hatikva. The original song described the Jewish people’s 2,000-year longing to return to Jerusalem; Shemer added a final verse after the Six-Day War to celebrate Jerusalem’s re-unification.

Altă interpretare: v. aici.

Jerusalem of Gold

Verse 1
The mountain air is clear as water
The scent of pines around
Is carried on the breeze of twilight,
And tinkling bells resound.

The trees and stones there softly slumber,
A dream enfolds them all.
So solitary lies the city,
And at its heart — a wall

Oh, Jerusalem of gold,
and of light and of bronze,
I am the lute for all your songs. (2x)

Verse 2
The wells are filled again with water,
The square with joyous crowd,
On the Temple Mount within the City,
The shofar rings out loud.

Within the caverns in the mountains
A thousand suns will glow,
We’ll take the Dead Sea road together,
That runs through Jericho.

Oh, Jerusalem of gold,
and of light and of bronze,
I am the lute for all your songs. (2x)

Verse 3
But as I sing to you, my city,
And you with crowns adorn,
I am the least of all your children,
Of all the poets born.

Your name will scorch my lips for ever,
Like a seraph’s1 kiss, I’m told,
If I forget thee, golden city,
Jerusalem of gold.

Oh, Jerusalem of gold,
and of light and of bronze,
I am the lute for all your songs. (2x)

(versurile comunicate de George Petrineanu)


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