Încerc să-mi amintesc:
Cine a scris poeziile mele?
Era parcă un băiat
Cu capul în nori care zicea la un moment dat
că a dormit 30 de ani.
Când s-a trezit,
scria în altă limbă.
“Who wrote my poems?”
he was asking around.
There was a guy who was happy
with a couple of square feet
under his feet,
a fishing rod
and some sunshine.
Yes, I do remember that guy,
he never had the right bait.
Oh how I wish I could meet him today!
I’m full of fat, smelly worms
and he could use some…
I would trade them for a moment of inspiration
To write a poem of my own.
(Ianuarie 12, 2015)
Chiar asa 🙂 Rar la vedere, Stefan!
Sper sa reusesc sa apar mai des anul acesta. Deocamdata fac „sapaturi” sa vad unde-am ramas ultima data 🙂