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Finantari de la Banca Mondiala pentru Romania

de (5-11-2007)

Release No: 2008/108/ECA

In Washington: Miriam Van Dyck, (+1-202) 458 2931
In Romania: Alexandra Caracoti (40 1) 201-0324

WWorld Bank, Global Environment Facility Support Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project In Romania

WASHINGTON, October 30, 2007 – The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a new International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan (50 million Euro) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant (US$5.5 million) to Romania today for the Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control project. The project supports Romania’s commitments to meet EU environment standards through an integrated program demonstrating links with other environmental investments, especially sanitation and waste management, and will help reduce nutrient discharges to water bodies. It will also help promote behavioral change at the commune level, and strengthen institutional and regulatory capacity.

„The Project supports integration of rural environment investments at the local level to promote better health outcomes and improved quality of life,” said Karin Shepardson, head of the Bank task team for the project. „Its design has been adapted to support Romania in meeting its EU commitments as a New Member State, and both complements and promotes use of EU grant funds for environment and rural development investments.”
After EU accession, Romania’s compliance with the environment acquis was estimated at a net present value of Euro 17 billion over a period of 11 years – the highest of any accession country. The most significant efforts will be required in the water sector, where agreements with the EU for improved water management include addressing nitrate pollution from agricultural sources – the EU Nitrate Directive.

The combination of underdeveloped sanitation, poor livestock management, and a large number of small farms results in significant nitrate and microbial contamination of shallow groundwater – the main source of potable water in rural areas. The effects of this are observed in high concentration of nitrates, an indicator of general pollution and contamination affecting both the environment and public health.

The Project builds from a successful pilot in Calarasi County financed with earlier GEF support and several ongoing IBRD programs for rural development and agriculture. Successful elements have been scaled-up and complemented by actions to strengthen institutional and regulatory capacity for its integration into national programs. Contributions from the GEF are part of the Black Sea-Danube Strategic Partnership Investment Facility managed by the World Bank.
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is an international financial mechanism with 177 member countries that addresses global environmental issues while supporting national sustainable development initiatives. GEF grants support projects in developing countries related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer and persistent organic pollutants. Since its inception in 1991, GEF has achieved a strong track record of support to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, providing $6.2 billion in grants and leveraging $20 billion in co-financing for over 1,800 projects in over 150 countries. Through its Small Grants Programme (SGP), GEF has also made more than 7,000 small grants, up to $50,000 each, directly to nongovernmental organizations and community organizations.


The World Bank has been a committed partner in Romania’s development process since 1990, with loans totaling US$5 billion. For more information on the World Bank’s work in Romania, please visit:

For further information on Bank’s GEF program, visit http:www.worldbank.orggef. For further information on GEF, visit

To view the project documents, visit: http:web.worldbank.orgexternalprojectsmain?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P093775
And here:


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