Un semn astept
in taina intunericului…
Parca le simt :
misterele vietii
venind inspre mine
cu traduceri despre simboluri
neintelese de naiva mea inima,
un cadou de mult visat,
asteptat, implorat,
si cautat printre atatea rituale,
printre atatea lacrimi
de copil, de femeie…
Desi asa departe
farmecele iubirii
inca-mi zambesc si-acum
cand eu atat de friguroasa
ma rog pentru caldura
aici in linistea mea tulbura
buzele-mi canta pentru ca
mai am credinta
mai am speranta…
19 Ianuarie, 2004, SUA
I’m waiting for a sign
within the mystery of darkness…
It is as if I feel them:
the mysteries of life
approaching me
with translations of symbols
not understood by my naive heart
a gift long desired,
waited and begged for,
and searched for among all the rituals,
between so many tears of a child, a woman…
Even though they are so far away,
enchantments of love
are still smiling towards me
now, when I am shivering,
praying for warmth
here in my tormented silence
my lips sing because
I still believe,
I still have hope…
January 19, 2004, USA