“Te salut zi de serbare
Sfanta zi de 10 Mai”
Americanul se numeste Tom Kinter, Curtea Reginei este virtuala si reprezinta un excelent site dedicat in primul rand Reginei Maria, apoi Dinastiei si nu in ultimul rand Romaniei.
Tom’s Place http://www.tkinter.smig.net
Tom Kinter povesteste cum a descoeprit o carte despre Regina Maria si cum, fascinat de faptele acesteia, a pornit pe drumul descoperirilor si intelegerii a ceea ce a insemnat Regina Maria si istoria Romaniei. Tom Kinter a venit pana in Romania ca sa afle la fazta locului ce inseamna tara aceasta. A facut numeroase fotografii care inseamna totodata un album aproape complet despre cine suntem si cum aratam.
Este impresionant cum omul acesta a reusit sa adune atatea si atatea marturii si documente de epoca despre Regina Maria. Ceea ce a facut el echivaleaza cu munca unor istorici si a unor institutii. Noi romanii trebuie sa trecem pe la site-ul sau pentru a afla si a invata despre Romania.
El este in acelasi timp un artist fotograf.
In aceste zile este invitat de oficialitatile romane din America pt a participa la Festivalul de Arta Romaneasca. Unde credeti? La Maryhill Museum, adica acolo unde de asemenea este un semn al trecerii Reginei Maria prin America, un alt colt ce ii este dedicat.
Maryhill Museum of Art in Goldendale, Washington http://www.maryhillmuseum.org
Romanian Arts Festival
View artisans demonstrating traditional egg decorating, drop spindle spinning, Inkle loom weaving, woodcarving,
embroidery, and icon painting. Children can learn flat
weaving, egg decorating and listen to stories by Queen
Marie. Join the curator for a walk through the exhibition A
People’s Legacy: Romanian Folk Life through Dress, Textiles
& Arts. Noted author Dr. Ronald Wixman will lecture on
Romanian culture and folk dress. Free with Museum admission.
A special Romanian dinner will be held for Museum Members.
Sunday, May 14
Maryhill Fun Day: Celebrate Romania!
Take Mom to Europe for Mother’s Day! You’ll both have
fun exploring Romanian folk art demonstrations. Queen Marie will be telling Romanian folk tales to children, and we’ll have art activities for kids of all ages. Enjoy a musical performance in the Queen Marie Gallery. Café Maryhill offers a special Mother’s Day lunch.
Queen Marie Tells Stories and Teaches a Romanian Weaving Art
2:00 – 4:00pm
Join Queen Marie as she tells stories for children of all
ages. Stories included will be some of her most charming
children’s stories that feature Romanian people. At the
conclusion of the story hour, Queen Marie and her helpers
will teach all how to do traditional Romanian flat weaving,
based on inkle loom weaving.
Romanian Dance, Costume and Folk Art
Dr. Ron Wixman from the University of Oregon discusses the art, dance, costume and folk traditions of Romania.
Folk Art Demonstration
2:00 – 4:00pm
Come and visit with a number of people who will be
demonstrating Romanian folk arts including weaving,
painting, carving and more.
EyeSEE Resource Room
Examples of Romanian folk arts will be available in the
Museum’s EyeSEE Resource Room for hands-on experience.
Este vechea Zi Nationala a Romaniei!
Traisca Romania!
Traiasca Regele!
Traiasca oamenii buni care pretuiesc cuvantul!
Multumim Tom KINTER!
Tom’s Place http://www.tkinter.smig.net
Multumim, Domnule Marius Dobrin!
Evelina Moraru