Workshop “Biomedical research driven by Balkans’ SMEs in relaunching the Lisbon Strategy”


Workshop “Biomedical research driven by Balkans’ SMEs in relaunching the Lisbon Strategy”

A recent initiative of the Romanian Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Research –the National Authority for Scientific Research to organise the Regional Conference on Public Health \”Balkan Medicine Towards FP7\”, in Bucharest, the 4th – 5th of May 2006, represents a perfect motivation to organise an event dedicated to SMEs under \”Health\” theme: \”Biomedical research driven by Balkans’ SMEs in relaunching the Lisbon Strategy\”, on 3rd of May 2006.

The launching of the 7th Framework Programme in the near future and the connected preparatory stages play an important role in our activity as well as the improvement of better information of the potential participants on European Research and integration activities. A key role will be played by SMEs and we have in mind to create for them new opportunities for better information and contacts with research providers.

In the organisation of this specific event for SMEs will be involved the Ministry of Education and Research –the National Authority for Scientific Research, by Romanian Contact Point for SMEs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, Romanian IRC4D / IPA CIFATT Craiova Technology and Business Incubator, National Institute for SMEs.

In the generous contexte of the Regional Conference which aims to bring together scientists and other stakeholders from the Balkan region and from other European Countries, the representatives of SMEs will find real opportunities for integration in European projects under \”Health\” theme of the FP7.

We intend that one of the deliverables of this event to be a document concerning proposals made by participants in this event for future FP7 Projects under \”Health\” Priority.

More informations, Agenda, Poster at: / Events

We would be most grateful if you could accept to participate at our event dedicated to SMEs under \”Health\” theme: \”Biomedical research driven by Balkans’ SMEs in relaunching the Lisbon Strategy\”, on 3rd of May 2006 – Bucharest, ROMANIA.

The co-ordinator of the Workshop \”Biomedical research driven by Balkans’ SMEs in relaunching the Lisbon Strategy\”, on 3rd of May 2006 – Bucharest, ROMANIA is National Authority for Scientific Research who hosts the National Contact Point for SMEs, Mrs. Camelia Marinescu, NCP SMEs:


Mrs. Camelia Marinescu, Romanian Ministery for Education and Research, e-mail address:

Mr. Gabriel Vladut, IPA CIFATT, Romanian IRC 4D, e-mail address:

Mrs. Ana – Maria Onu, National Institute for SMEs, e-mail address:

Mrs. Anemari Marcusanu, Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, e-mail address:

Mr. Florin Tudorache, ICPE – Center of Technological Information, e-mail adress:


We are looking forward to see you and your team in Bucharest.

Best regards
Gabriel Vladut

Romanian IRC 4D / IPA CIFATT Craiova

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