

Winter in town

I am a photographer. I forgot to enjoy beauty, I am learning how to dissect it. Through the camera’s eye – too clean – with its sharp diaphragm blades I draw forth slices of reality.

„A pound of flesh, no less, no more”

I weigh exactly the pound of flesh that I am about to force out from the body of time and of happening. I choose exactly the quantity of live light I will steal from the soul of world. I haven’t found yet if I am a surgeon or a murderer of the moment.

I take them, I am looking for them, images, one after another, and I pass them through the universe of parallel mirrors between eye, mind and soul and I throw them in front of the salty wolves …


4 thoughts on “FOTOGRAFUL SĂPTĂMÂNII: Christina D’Oro Hooley

  1. Imaginea mi-a stârnit pofta de neînfrânat, din copilărie, de a rupe ţurţurii apetisanţi şi a-i gusta, cu riscul amigdalitei de a doua zi…”Unde sunt ţurţurii de odinioară?” În fotografiile Christinei, din…Acum!

  2. Multumesc, Eduard

    @andreea – turturii din imagine sunt romanesti, mai exact, turturi de Iasi, in Nicolina, acum vreo…5-6 ani cred. Vie catarandu-se pe peretele unui bloc de garsoniere, crescand direct din asfalt si ingrijita de gospodarul de la parter- a carui mana se vede si-n tubul grijuliu montat pentru aerisire din buacataria cat o cutie de chibrituri…

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