Joi 29 septembrie vom avea prima sedinta dupa vacanta de prezentare a proiectelor de cercetare in cadrul actualului Program.
Expunerile vor avea loc la ora 17 la sediul Fundatiei Nationale pentru Stiinta si Arta din str.Dem I Dobrescu 11
Adrian Lemeni, Referintele gnoseologiei patristice asumate in dialogul contemporan dintre stiinta si teologie
Eugenia Udangiu, Stiinta, teologia si jocurile limbajului
Va reamintesc ca tot joi este si termenul de trimitere a propunerilor pentru un nou Program Templeton “Stiinta si religie in Romania”, inclusiv pentru mass media.
Cei interesati vor afla noutati cu privire la Congresul international “SCIENCE AND ORTHODOXY, A NECESSARY DIALOGUE” din 22-25 octombrie a.c. ca si despre evenimentul din 21 care-l va preceda.
Magda Stavinschi, Presedinte executiv al Asociatiei pentru Dialogul dintre Stiinta si Teologie – ADSTR
Luni, 12 septembrie, ora 10 va avea loc in Amfiteatrul “Heliade Radulescu” al Academiei
Romane, Calea Victoriei nr. 125, conferinta invitata a profesorului Erhard Hinrics de la Universitatea din Tuebingen. Va invitam cu caldura sa participati la aceasta prezentare a unui specialist de clasa.
Dan Tufis
A Hybrid Approach to Computational Anaphora Resolution for German Abstract
This lecture reports on a hybrid architecture for computational anaphora resolution (CAR) of German that combines a rule-based pre-filtering component with a memory-based resolution module (using the Tilburg Memory
Based Learner — TiMBL). The data source is provided by the TüBa-D/Z treebank of German newspaper text that is annotated with anaphoric relations. The CAR experiments performed on these treebank data corroborate the importance of modelling aspects of discourse structure for robust, data-driven anaphora resolution. The results achieved by these experiments significantly outperform the results reported by previous research of German CAR that is based on newspaper treebank data.
Short CV:
Erhard Hinrichs is Full Professor of General and Computational Linguistics and Head of Department in the Department of Linguistics at the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen (since 1991). He is the Director of a new International B.A. and M.A. Program in Computational Linguistics at the University of Tuebingen. He also holds the position of Distinguished Consulting Professor in the Department of Linguistics at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Prior to accepting the Chair at Tübingen, he was an Assistant Professor of Linguistics and a Research Fellow of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (1987-90). From 1985-87, he was employed as a senior research scientist in the Artificial Intelligence Department at Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) Laboratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Hinrichs was President of the Foundation for Logic,
Language and Information (1995-97) and President of the European Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics (1995/6).
He is the editor of four books and the author of more than sixty scholarly articles on topics in theoretical and computational linguistics.
His current research interests include computational semantics (with special emphasis on ontologies and computational lexica), machine learning, computational and logical foundations of constraint-based grammar formalisms for natural language processing, and the robust syntactic annotation of large electronic corpora. His current research activities are supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Forschung und Technologie, the European Commission, and the
Volkswagen Foundation.