IRSCA Gifted Education attends the 16th Biennial World Conference “Gifted Child 2005- Celebrating Les Enfants Surdoués du Monde ” in Louisiana, US through her President, Prof. Dr. Florian Colceag
Press release. Bucharest, August 6, 2005
IRSCA Gifted Education participates for the first time at the World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children to take place August 6-10, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana, US.
Our President, Prof. Dr. Florian Colceag will not only represent the Romanian gifted education network in the US but will also sustain the interests and goals of former communist countries to pull up a new education system to meet the individual needs of gifted and talented as well as be a strong promoter of a tighter international collaboration in the gifted education network.
This year the conference in New Orleans will bring together representatives from all around the world, and for the first time European countries like the U.K., Germany, Serbia, Spain and others will be present in a concerted effort to answer the need to establish better contacts and strengthen the ties in the gifted network. There’s a lot to be done for the future and in response to the current highly complex crisis at a global level and the needs to develop highly trained individuals able to solve them, Prof. Dr. Florian Colceag reacts:
“Gifted education programs can be alternative programs able to re-balance the highly complex current situation and contribute to solve crises on a global scale and in specific cultures, by using new educational technologies, Internet communication, knowledge sharing and collaboration networks among professionals. These programs can become the educational spine that can be projected differently to various cultures that are tributary to different historical developments of their own shape. At the same time, a gifted education program can become the potential provider of leaders with high intellectual abilities, high aspirations and ideals, moral health and balanced personalities in every field of activity”.
Our President will strongly sustain and present the ongoing private initiative efforts to develop a gifted education system in Romania (shaping the legal framework, the infrastructure, forming instructors, setup up the gifted education network etc) and he will lobby for an international support and for getting into place the right partnering, the best practice exchanges and programs to form a viable, robust and self-sustaining gifted system in Romania. And Romania has a great potential not only to develop human resources to help her to bolster the reform efforts and to enter in a stronger shape in the EU, but also to provide the specialists that can answer worldwide issues.
In this way, we believe we’re a step further. And we would like to think of the future with a smile on our face. Because, as Mr. Marius Vasileanu, a highly appreciated Romanian literary writer says: “Slowly, slowly, we will get used to see the present trite, senseless life we see today from the future back. To see things like that might seem childish. But the youth, the children do see us from there, from tomorrow. And most often, they look there smiling. Because of that, we think that the smile is the right connection to our own future.”
You can find more about the World Conference Gifted Child 2005: 16th Biennial World Conference of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children here.
About IRSCA Gifted Education
IRSCA Gifted Education is a non-profit organization that promotes and supports the development of gifted people in all fields: science, arts, management and leadership and to train and develop human resources capable of solving the very complex problems of our times.
IRSCA Gifted Education means the engine of the gifted and talented children and youth and at the same time, “To be at power many”. We are not just a simple node in a network, we are an organization that promotes the “linked” world concept where each competence, value and talent is encouraged and incited to develop, to strongly affirm her individuality and to find her place in a unique contribution to the economic and social progress.
Romania now goes through a phase of “brain” migration. The authorities didn’t take into consideration the effects of this phenomenon and treated it with the shallowness characteristic for election promises.
Our initiative is meant to bring a program for the education of gifted children, an educational system oriented towards the development of individual capacity and at the same time, their reorientation to the acute needs of national development and to bringing solutions to burning national and international issues. The need of such an initiative is obvious; these modern educational systems have already been successfully implemented in developed countries and have consequently immensely contributed to their technological and economical development.