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Cele mai recente contributii la rubrica Oportunitati


Programe de cercetare stiintifica in parteneriat cu universitati din Marea Britanie

de (1-6-2005)

Dear Pinpoint Member,

Below you will find details of:

1) DTI Call for „Validation of Complex Systems” (first mentioned in news alert on 31/3)
2) Responsive Mode Grant
3) Public engagement small awards (formerly PUST)
4) Space 1 Call for proposals.
5) IST Call 5.
6) China ITS Community return match (see visit report in news alert 18/4)
7) Mobile Location Services 2005
8) EPSRC PhD CASE Studentship: University of Leeds, „A Galileo Timing Receiver”
9) Pinpoint Website: Reminder
10) Date for next news alert

Kind regards

1) DTI Call for „Validation of Complex Systems” (first mentioned in news alert on 31/3)

Pinpoint is helping to build a bid for a major research programme looking into the viability of GNSS systems based Road User Charging within the UK. This is
likely to be in the order of a £5M project, with the DTI meeting 50% of the overall costs. Pinpoint was represented at the DTI briefing on 26th May. Another briefing will be held on 7th June. See for more details.
If the possibility of working on a major DTI looking into this very significant market interests you, please contact TT Nigel Wall (

2) Responsive Mode Grant

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council invites applications for its responsive mode research grants The research should fall within the EPSRC remit. The council welcomes the involvement of industrial collaborators. Feel free to contact me (details below) if you require any more information or assistance in finding partners

3) Public engagement small awards (formerly PUST)
The Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council invites applications for public engagement small awards under its science and society programme. This funds small, local or pilot projects promoting science and technology. Projects must be relevant to a PPARC science area, namely: particle physics; space,
ionospheric, solar and planetary science; astronomy; astrophysics and cosmology.
Awards range from £500 to £15,000 for materials, salaries and travel and subsistence. Feel free to contact me (details below) if you require any more information or assistance in finding partners Deadline: 10 Oct 05
4) Space 1 Call for proposals.
Space 1 Call for proposals is the current thematic call in the area of ‘Aeronautics and Space’, part of the Sixth Framework Programme. The closing date for this call is 13th July 2005. For more information please visit: Feel free to contact me (details below) if you require any more information or assistance in finding partners.

5) IST Call 5.
IST Call 5 is the current thematic call in the area of ‘Information Society Technologies’, part of the Sixth Framework Programme. The closing date for
this call is 21st September 2005. For more information please visit: Feel free to contact me (details below) if you require any more information or assistance in finding partners.

6) China ITS Community return match (see visit report in news alert on 18/4)
Several of the Chinese organisations that the ITS UK Trade Mission met will be visiting the UK on 8th June. Currently the plan is to meet at the National
Trazffic Control Centre, run by Serco, near Birmingham. If anyone would like to meet this delegation please contact TT Nigel Wall (

7) Mobile Location Services 2005
Pinpoint’s Technology Translator, Clive de la Fuente attended this event last year when LBS was being established as a User Group within the partnership.
Clive attended this event again this year to see how the market for applications has moved on, his report is attached for information (attachment 1). Please
contact Clive ( if you would like more information about this event or activities within the LBS group.

8) EPSRC PhD CASE Studentship: University of Leeds, „A Galileo Timing Receiver”
A three-year PhD studentship, funded by an EPSRC CASE award with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), is available to highly qualified and highly motivated
applicants who hold (or expect to obtain) a minimum of an Upper Second Degree in Electronic and/or Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics or a related
Engineering discipline. Please note that to be eligible for fees and maintenance candidates must meet the EPSRC residency criteria (UK residents), whilst EU students may be eligible for payment of fees. Please see the second attachment for more information.

9) Pinpoint Website: Reminder
Please note that the Pinpoint website has a members area for you to access information on funding, news and research. The u sername is „member” and the password is „pin525point”

10) Date for next news alert
Friday June 10th 2005 (Should you wish to include anything in the next news alert please email/send me
details no later than Wednesday 8th June)

Dr Matt Cross
Technology Translator
Hampton Road
TW11 0LW
Tel: +44 (0)208 943 6754
Fax:+44 (0)208 943 7160
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