Burse si rezidente 2011


Burse si rezidente 2011

Erasmus Mundus se adreseaza masteranzilor, doctoranzilor din Europa. Va puteti adresa direct institutiilor in perioada noiembrie  2010-ianuarie 2011 pentru anul universitar 2011-2012.

There are currently 123 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (ranging from 60 to 120 ECTS) and 24 Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programmes (lasting three or four years), covering a wide range of academic disciplines and offering Erasmus Mundus scholarships/fellowships for studies and research activities starting in the academic year 2011/2012. How to apply: European students or doctoral candidates interested in an Erasmus Mundus scholarship/fellowship should consult the list of Erasmus Mundus Masters and Doctorates on the Erasmus Mundus website: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/selected_projects_en.php . Candidates wishing to enrol in an Erasmus Mundus Joint Programme at masters or doctoral level in the academic year 2011/2012, will have to apply directly to the consortium or consortia of their choice during the period November 2010 – January 2011.

Euromime Master se adreseaza inginerilor. Puteti aplica pana in 3 ianuarie 2011 pentru anul universitar 2011-2012.

The Euromime Master (http://www.euromime.org ) is one of the 116 European masters of the Erasmus Mundus program launched since now more than 5 years by the European Community. Euromime is a European Master in Media Engineering for Education. It trains project managers in the field of design, development and implementation of educational and training programs resorting to computer mediated environments. It also trains researchers specializing the study of the use of use of these technologies. The Euromime consortium is composed of 7 universities, 3 in south-west Europe (Université de Poitiers – France; Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid – España; Universidade Técnica de Lisboa – Portugal) and 4 in Latin America (Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno – Chile; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima; Universidade de Brasilia – Brasil; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – México). We are looking for European and non European students interested in a trilingual two year program, combining a study stay in our three European universities and a study period in Latin America. The candidatures must be sent before January 3rd, 2011 ! Scholarships for European students: 2 year grant (23.000 €) and tuition fees for the program are € 2000/semester. Contact person: Jean-François Cerisier, Coordonnateur du consortium Euromime: contact@euromime.org.

Erasmus Student Placement la Budapesta, Ungaria. Aplicati pana la 1 decembrie 2010.

Erasmus Student Placement offered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) – European Office in Budapest, Hungary. Deadline for applications: 1 December, 2010. Requirements: interest in international education and development; completion of at least two years of college/university; a specific time commitment of a summer or academic semester; finances to cover travel, lodging, meals, and personal expenses while in Budapest; personal maturity as demonstrated by the ability to receive instructions and work on projects with limited supervision. Self-direction is essential; ability to adapt to and benefit from a new cultural experience; good understanding and skill level of basic software applications: Word, Excel and PowerPoint; fluency in 1+ European language in addition to English. Contact person: Nevenka Grceva, Program Manager, Institute of International Education (IIE), European Office Vigyazo Ferenc utca 4 Budapest 1051, Hungary, Direct: (+36 -1) 472-2258, Tel: (+36 -1) 472-2250, Fax: (+36 -1) 472-2255, Email: ngrceva@iie.eu, http://www.iie.eu. For more information, see the attached document.

Rockefeller Foundation ofera o rezidenta de 4 saptamani. Aplicati pana la 1 decembrie 2010.

The Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center provides a platform for developing new ideas and solutions to some of the most difficult global problems. Residencies allow for a quiet setting for focused work and a place to connect with dynamic innovators from across the globe, uninterrupted by the usual professional and personal demands. Residency participants include scholars, scientists, artists, journalists, writers, non-governmental organization practitioners and policymakers from around the world. Rockefeller Foundation welcomes projects in all fields, but is particularly interested in innovative projects that address one or more of their issue areas: basic survival safeguards (such as issues of food, shelter, water, global health, climate and environment, urbanization, social and economic security). A residency is typically four weeks in length. The deadline for the current competition is December 1, 2010 for residencies between mid August 2011 to November 30, 2011. For more information on the program and for a schedule of upcoming webinars please visit: http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/bellagio-center/residency-programs. Contact person: Niké Szkárosi, Program Coordinator, Institute of International Education, European Office, Vigyázó Ferenc u. 4., 1051 Budapest, Hungary, Tel +36 1 472 2285 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +36 1 472 2285      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Fax +36 1 472 2255, Email: nszkarosi@iie.eu, http://www.iie.eu.

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