This project deals with the inter-relations between two parts within us: the aggressor and the victim. This is a professional psychodrama training process. It is a dynamic active unmasking group process using Psychodrama and Sociodrama in order to encounter the traces of the Holocaust in our present life. This experience may bring an encounter with the \”other\” and with the \”different\”. It may not lead to reconciliation but can heal some of the wounds and open a dialogue. It is open to international students, professionals and others who are interested in the theme. No prior experience in psychodrama is necessary. We chose the \”Galicia Jewish Museum\” in Krakow and \”The Educational-Encounter Center\” in Oswiecim as our place of working because of its symbolic powerful reminder of the Past in the Present.
This event is organized by the PSYCHODRAMA INSTITUTE OF EUROPE, PIfE. The language will be English with different translations. The leaders of this workshop are living example of the fruits of this dialogue. The directors are:
HILDE GÖTT – Dipl. Soz. Pad. Born in Romania as a granddaughter of SS members whose wives were deported to Siberia. She is certified Trainer and Supervisor (DGSv) of Psychodrama for the \”Psychodrama Institute of Europe\” (PIfE) and serves as its Chairwoman. She is a Children and Adolescent Therapist, focusing on trauma and violence.
YAACOV NAOR – MA, CAGS, TEP. Born in Germany in a DP camp to parents who are both Holocaust survivors. Founder and Director of ISIS ISRAEL- Psychodrama and Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy Center in Tel Aviv. Certified Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor in Psychodrama. Leader of dialogue groups between Israelis and Palestinians.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Hilde Gött: hildegoett@t-online.de or: Yaacov Naor: yaacovn@gmail.com