Author: Bogdan STEFANESCU


Modernity: the crisis of value and judgement

Dear friends, I am delighted to announce the 2006 Conference of the English Department at the University of Bucharest (my alma mater), an annual event that in recent years has been attended by an ever growing number of first class academics from around the world. Do have a look at the attached documents and consider […]


Comunicat de presa

Institutul Cultural Roman din New York anunta expozitia de grup Mind and Form care reuneste un numar de artisti romano-americani importanti din zona New Yorku-lui carora li se alatura o serie de artisti reprezentind medii etnic-culturale diverse. Astfel, publicul va putea privi lucrari semnate de Serban Chelariu, Viorica Colpacci, Edel Stuehmke Levy, Tadeusz Sudol, Ioan […]


Debutul Festivalului George Enescu la New York

COMUNICAT DE PRESA 2 decembrie 2005 Debutul Festivalului George Enescu la New York (1-4 decembrie 2005) Organizat de Institutul Cultural Roman din New York Un eveniment realizat impreuna cu Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation de la The Graduate Center, City University of New York, Mannes College The New School for Music […]


Enescu Festival – New York

The Romanian Cultural Institute in New York thanks you for attending in such great numbers the opening night of the Enescu Festival and for proving such a warm and appreciative pubic at the dashing first recital by Matei Varga. We expect the following days and nights of the Festival to be at least as exciting […]

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