EDUGATE lanseaza Gifted Education Forum si initiaza dezbaterea nationala asupra propunerii legislative privind educatia tinerilor supradotati si capabili de performanta inalta. Bucureşti, 21 Martie 2006: EDUGATE- Consorţiul Român pentru Educaţia Copiilor şi Tinerilor Supradotaţi şi Talentaţi numarând peste 30 de fondatori dintre cele mai prestigioase organizaţii şi instituţii româneşti anunţã lansarea în data de 3 […]
Congres International al Educatiei Supradotatilor
Bucuresti, 24 August 2005 – Intre 6-10 August in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA a avut loc a XVI-a bienala a World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. Au fost prezenti 650 de participanti reprezentand 144 de tari. Cu o traditie de peste 20 de ani la care se adauga numeroase alte congrese locale cu mii […]
First time participation of a Romanian non-profit organization to World Council on Gifted and Talented Children in the US
IRSCA Gifted Education attends the 16th Biennial World Conference “Gifted Child 2005- Celebrating Les Enfants Surdoués du Monde ” in Louisiana, US through her President, Prof. Dr. Florian Colceag Press release. Bucharest, August 6, 2005 IRSCA Gifted Education participates for the first time at the World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children to take place […]
Job Offer Crucea Rosie Romania
Crucea Rosie, Romania, is looking for a PR and Fundraising Coordinator Travel Required: 0-25%; Driver’s licence needed City: Bucharest, central location; Romania Area of Interest: Marketing and Public Communications Job Description: Responsible for the creation and execution of the marketing communications plan design, planning, implementation and tracking to support field unit fundraising. Responsible for […]
Un jurnalist voluntar pentru organizatia non-profit IRSCA Gifted Education!
Logo IRSCA Gifted Education Un jurnalist voluntar pentru organizatia non-profit IRSCA Gifted Education! Cine suntem? IRSCA Gifted Education este o organizatie non profit ce promoveaza si sprijina dezvoltarea persoanelor cu har si talent in toate domeniile, stiinta, arta, management, leadereship si formeaza resurse umane capabile sa rezolve problemele de mare complexitate ale vremurilor noastre. De […]