Author: Michael Radu


The Gaza conflict – deterrence and other missed points

The Israeli government, through Prime Minister Olmert, foreign minister Livni, or defense minister Barak, seems to agree that Israel’s goal for the ongoing Cast Lead operation is to deter Hamas from continuing its campaign of regular missile bombings of southern and central Israel. If they mean it–and that is still unclear–they are dangerously misguided and […]


Idealismul este mult mai periculos în lumea de azi – o vedere conservatoare a președinției Obama

Barack Obama are numeroși simpatizanți în Europa, printre care Nicolas Sarkozy Viitorul președinte al Statelor Unite, Barack Obama, este un liberal, ale cărui vederi sunt adeseori diametral opuse actualului ocupant al Casei Albe, George W Bush. Cum se va schimba politica prezidențială americană. Răspunde acestor întrebări Michael Radu, senior fellow la Institutul de Cercetări în […]


The Georgias to Come | 9/5/2008 Those who thought that wayward Georgia marks the end rather than the beginning of Russia’s appetite for regional conquest should consider a recent headline from a Romanian newspaper: “The other Georgia to come: The 18 tanks of Transnistria could reach Chisinau in 30 minutes.” The August 22 article went on to warn […]

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