Hannover Industrial Fair – The IRC Innovation Relay Centres event: Hannover International Technology The Hannover International Technology; in the context of the Hannover Industrial Fair 2006 24th and 25th of April 2006 The Hannover Technology Co-operation Event on Energy Technologies is an international partnering platform in the context of the Hannover Messe, the world’s most […]
Partner search
1. PARTNER SEARCH INQUIRY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PS for STREP PARTNER SEARCH ID: AT59 DATE: 01/03/06 CALL: IST Call 6 RESEARCH PRIORITY: Research Addressing work and business challenges STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 2.6.2 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) in the Ageing Society EVALUATION SCHEME: One-step DEADLINE: 25/04/2006 TYPE OF PROJECT: STREP PROPOSAL NAME: SEAL – Smart Environment for Assisted Living […]
Dezbatere – Societatea civila si Fondurile structurale
Ne face o deosebitã plãcere sã vã invitãm la o dezbatere publicã cu tema \”Societatea civilã si Fondurile structurale”, luni, 20 martie 2006, orele 09.00 la U Business Center sala Jade (clãdirea Citibank, Bdul. Iancu de Hunedoara nr. 8, Mezanin, Bucuresti). Scopul acestui eveniment este de a pune în discutie mecanismele prin care organizatiile neguvernamentale […]
Oportunitati de parteneriat
Proiecte ce cauta parteneri; Daca informatiile prezinta interes rog sa contactati direct coordonatorul. If this informations regardind partner request in FP6 project is interesting for you please be in direct contact with the proposer. Best regards Gabriel Vladut office@ipacv.ro www.ipacv.ro 1. PARTNER REQUEST BBS Ref : 2006-03-03_ist6-Leitinger Title : aktivTV – The first interactive TV […]
Forumul deschis pentru Inovare si Transfer Tehnologic
Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii, IPA, IBD/GTZ Romania, Camera de Comert a Romaniei organizeaza Forumul deschis pentru Inovare şi Transfer Tehnologic, eveniment ajuns deja la cea de a V a ediţie. Vă invităm să participaţi la a V a ediţie a Forumului ce va avea loc pe 14 şi 15 Martie 2005, la Camera de Comerţ […]