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Cele mai recente contributii la rubrica Sanatate


Sistemul de sănătate românesc prezentat la Londra

de (5-12-2008)

Monday 8 December 2008
Culture Power Presentation

“Performance in the health care system in Romania: Between European health care policy concerns and local market challenges and opportunities” by Dr Dan Petrovici

19.00-21.00, The Romanian Cultural Centre, 8th floor, 54-62 Regent Street, London W1B 5RE; Tel. 020 7439 4052, ext 108; e-mail:; Entry is free but booking is essential.

“The private health sector in Romania: a viable alternative to public healthcare? Drivers of patient satisfaction: soft skills or tangibles? Service failure: are patients willing to complain? Informal payments: re-thinking relationship marketing. These are some of the questions and issues which will be addressed during the presentation. It will include an overview of the key developments in the health care system in Romania, highlighting some of the key challenges faced by Central and Eastern European countries.

The service quality and health care management literature points out that there is little research on service performance in this economic area. Yet, performance measurement represents a key policy area in the agenda of reforms in the health care system.

Special attention will be paid to the development of a model of hospital service performance (SERVHOSP) from a patient perspective, adapted to the specificity of the environment in Romania. Differences between the private and public hospitals will also be investigated.” – Dr Dan Petrovici

Dr Dan Petrovici is a Lecturer in Marketing at Kent Business School (University of Kent). With an academic background in statistics, sociology and international marketing, he pursued a career in market research. His industrial experience was with FESSEL GfK and as a consultant to the European Commission, Directorate Food, Health and Wellbeing. Research interests include consumer behaviour and marketing communications. Recent papers include presentations at the Academy of Marketing Science, the European Academy of Marketing and as visiting academic in France, Germany, Japan and Romania. He contributed to several books and published in journals such as British Medical Council Public Health, European Journal of Marketing or International Journal of Advertising.

Organised by The Ratiu Foundation UK & The Romanian Cultural Centre in London;


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