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Cele mai recente contributii la rubrica TV.ACUM


Carol For A Simple Man

de (29-11-2018)
2 ecouri

Carol For A Simple Man
By Marksikt [G. Petrineanu] & Simon Hultin


– Son, why do you waste your time
In company of beggars, pimps, bastards, criminals,
gypsies, invalids …
starvelings, unvermins…
Drinking wine, eating fish, telling foolish stories?


– Father, who really needs a doctor?
The healthy man or the sick one? Stand up,
Stand up and walk!
– Father, you taught me to stay at home in your
workshop to make chairs, tables, beds and even
I am deeply thankful for everything, you gave me
life, gave me bread and roof over my head.
Please forgive me, I cannot afford to spend
every single day of my life only with these lifeless
woods, I won’t do that…


– Son, why do you waste your time?


– I won’t do that… !


– (beggars, pimps, whores!)
– Father, who really needs a doctor?
The healthy man or the sick one? Sta-nd up,
Stand up and walk!


– (bastards, criminals pack rats!)


– I started to see where nobody is seeing,
– Son, why do you waste your time?


– They listen to me
My words are for them like a cannon


– In bad company of beggars, pimps and bastards!
…(whores, starvelings)


– Cause I love them…


– (whores)


– And I teach them to love them too!

– Father, who really needs a doctor?
The healthy man or the sick one? Stand up,
Stand up…
And walk…


  • Victor Manta: (2-11-2018 la 14:18)

    O contribuţie venită just in time. Felicitări, George! Eşti încă un contributor vechi căruia ACUM are de ce să-i mulţumească.

    Mă bucur că ai reuşit să transpui într-un clip cântecul tău. Constat că astfel a devenit mult mai accesibil şi mai atrăgător.

    În opinia mea ansamblul a ieşit foarte bine. Am apreciat că CC merge şi el.

    Mult succes în continuare în pregătirea albumului viitor! După ce îl publici, te rog să mă anunţi prin email. Pe curând (să sperăm)!

  • Wanda Lucaciu: (3-11-2018 la 21:54)


    Mi-a placut cintecul foarte mult si iti urez success cu albumul!

    Keep in touch! I will!

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