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Leonard Cohen, „Partizanul”

de (11-11-2016)
4 ecouri

The Partisan
Leonard Cohen (1969)

When they poured across the border
I was cautioned to surrender
This I could not do
I took my gun and vanished.

I have changed my name so often
I’ve lost my wife and children
But I have many friends
And some of them are with me

An old woman gave us shelter
Kept us hidden in the garret
Then the soldiers came
She died without a whisper

There were three of us this morning
I’m the only one this evening
But I must go on
The frontiers are my prison

Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing
Through the graves the wind is blowing
Freedom soon will come
Then we’ll come from the shadows

Les Allemands étaient chez moi
Ils me dirent, „résigne toi”
Mais je n’ai pas peur
J’ai repris mon arme

J’ai changé cent fois de nom
J’ai perdu femme et enfants
Mais j’ai tant d’amis
J’ai la France entière

Un vieil homme dans un grenier
Pour la nuit nous a caché
Les Allemands l’ont pris
Il est mort sans surprise

Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing
Through the graves the wind is blowing
Freedom soon will come
Then we’ll come from the shadows


  • Christina Vlad: (11-11-2016 la 14:31)

    Der Wind, der Wind bläst
    Er durchfegt die Gräber
    Bald sind wir frei
    Dann treten wir aus dem Schatten

    Ruhe in Frieden, Leonard Cohen !

  • Boris M. Marian: (11-11-2016 la 16:04)

    Fie înscris în Cartea Vieții, Zichrono Livraha

  • Victor Manta: (12-11-2016 la 02:48)

    Leonard Cohen era foarte popular şi în Europa Centrală şi de Est.

    Îmi amintesc cum îl ascultam în România ceauşistă şi mă gândeam cu jale la graniţele care erau şi închisorile noastre.

    There were three of us this morning
    I’m the only one this evening
    But I must go on
    The frontiers are my prison.

    RIP, Leonard Cohen, trubadurul tinereţilor noastre pierdute.

    P.S. Am avut norocul să-l văd acum câţiva ani, într-un concert cu acompaniatorii săi selecţi. De neuitat!

  • Gheorghe Petrineanu: (12-11-2016 la 16:53)

    Mesagerul care îmi șoptea mesajele din altă lume nu mai este: „I am ready Mylord”.

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