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de (4-1-2007)


The Southeast European Studies Association (SEESA) is currently accepting applications for its Harrison Small Grants program.

The purpose of the Harrison Small Grants program is to support participation of graduate students in conferences at which they will be presenting papers in any discipline related to the Southeast European region, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and/or Turkey. Proposals that focus on comparative analysis of issues across national boundaries in Southeast Europe will be given preference. To be eligible, an applicant must be a graduate student at a North American university. Priority is given to students presenting a paper at a conference held in North America.
In years in which a SEESA Conference is held, applications for this grant must be used for participation in the SEESA Conference. The Third SEESA Conference will be held 26-38 April 2007 at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

Submissions for presentations at the Third SEESA Conference are being accepted until 15 January 2007. The Call for Papers appears at the end of this call for applications. Questions about the conference should be addressed to Professor Daniel Collins ( or Professor Brian Joseph (

The award process for the Small Harrison Grant is competitive, as only a limited number of grants can be made. The number and amount of each grant, which will not exceed $400, will be contingent upon the income from the Harrison Endowment to SEESA each year. Priority
will be given to applicants who have not received a Harrison Small Grant in the past. The SEESA Grant Committee considers applications on a calendar-year basis.

Eligibility for the SEESA Small Harrision Grant in 2006-2007:
– Must be a graduate student at a North American university.
– Grant must be used for presentation at the Third SEESA Conference at The Ohio State University from 26-28 April 2007. (See Call for Papers announcement at the end of this document).

Complete application packets for the SEESA Small Harrison Grant will include:
– Cover letter with a brief summary of the proposed paper;
– One-page curriculum vitae;
– One letter of support from a university faculty member; and
– Estimated budget for conference participation (only transportation and lodging costs, and conference registration fees).

The application must be received by the deadline: 2 March 2007.

Grants will be disbursed to award recipients when travel, lodging, and registration fee receipts from conference participation and a brief report on the conference are submitted to the SEESA treasurer following the conference. Grant recipients are also awarded a
two-year free membership in SEESA, which includes a subscription to Balkanistica.

Applications for the SEESA Small Harrison Grant should be sent to:

Dr. Elisabeth Elliott, SEESA President
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Crowe Hall #4-130
1860 Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208-2163

Inquiries about the grant program may be directed to this same address or to

Third Conference of the Southeast European Studies Association
(SEESA), 26-28 April 2007 at The Ohio State University

Following on the success of the first (2002) and second (2005) conferences of the Southeast European Studies Association (SEESA), the third SEESA conference will be held at The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio) on 26-28 April 2007.

The Organizing Committee is now accepting proposals for papers that treat some aspect of the Southeast European region, including the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Greece, and Turkey. All disciplines are welcome, including but not restricted to anthropology, cultural studies, education, film studies, folklore, history, language, literature, linguistics, political science, and sociology. Papers addressing
issues that cross national and disciplinary boundaries are
particularly welcome. Papers will be 20 minutes in length, with 10 minutes beyond that for questions and discussion.

One special feature of this year’s SEESA Meeting is that the Tenth Annual Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture will be a plenary event at the conference, with Brian Joseph as the lecturer speaking on Balkan linguistics. In addition, in recognition of the special nature of this anniversary for the lecture, two panels consisting of previous Naylor lecturers (Victor Friedman, Ronelle Alexander, Wayles Browne, Howard Aronson, Christina Kramer, Ilse Lehiste, Grace Fielder, and Tom Priestly) will be convened to present papers on topics in South Slavic and Balkan linguistics and to offer some remembrances of Kenneth Naylor.

Potential presenters may submit paper proposals by sending a title and a one-page abstract of the proposed paper, together with the author’s name, address, and contact information (phone and e-mail). The deadline for submitting all proposals is January 15, 2007. The program will be announced by February 20, 2007.

Please address all questions to Professor Brian Joseph
( or Daniel Collins ( Titles, abstracts and contact information may be sent by email to, by fax to 614-688-3107, or to the address below.

Daniel Collins, Chair
Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures
The Ohio State University
400 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH 43210-1340

Elisabeth Elliott, Ph.D.
President of Southeast European Studies Association (SEESA) Slavic Language Coordinator and Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
1860 Campus Drive
Crowe Hall, #4-125 (4th floor, new wing of Kresge Hall)
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208-2163
Off: 847-491-8082


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Citește articolul precedent:
In Memoriam: Profesor Univ. Dr. Ing. Irina Athanasiu

Dragi colegi: Am primit acum cateva ore acest mesaj care ne anunta o mare pierdere pentru noi toti, pentru stiinta...
