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de (24-7-2006)
New and Greenbrier RiversNew and Greenbrier Rivers

Primele fragmente de traducere a Bibliei in limba romana au fost din cartea psalmilor. Nicolae Iorga spunea ca Neamul romanesc s-a nascut in tinda Bisericii. Psaltirea a fost abecedarul pe care neamul nostru a invatat sa citeasca. De ce s-a inceput traducerea Bibliei in limba romana cu psalmii? Raspunsul nu este greu de dat. Luati Biblia in mana si deschideti-o la mijloc. Veti da negresit de cartea Psalmilor. Psalmii sunt inima Bibliei.

Am gasit pe web textul acesta si mi-a placut foarte mult – si am vrut sa il pastrez, ca sa il asez comentariu la psalmul care pe mine m-a impresionat cel mai mult. Psalmul acesta, 41 dupa traditia pastrata de Biserica Ortodoxa si de cea Catolica, 42 dupa traditia mai veche iudaica, preluata apoi in Biserica Protestanta, este povestea unui om care a fost candva fericit – dar asta a fost candva de demult, de atunci adanc peste adanc cheama in glasul caderilor apelor, si toate talazurile au trecut peste el – insa omul acesta nu a uitat niciodata fericirea lui de demult – si in adancul amaraciunilor care au trecut peste el de atunci, nu a incetat sa indrazneasca a crede in dreptul lui la fericire, sa indrazneasca sa isi doreasca fericirea asa cum cerbul doreste izvoarele apelor. Pentru ca fericirea si-a pastrat-o tot timpul in sufletul lui.

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?
My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?
When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.
O my God, my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar.
Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life, and my prayer unto the God of my life.
I will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou forgotten me? why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?
As with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach me; while they say daily unto me, Where is thy God?
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.
(King James Bible)

As the deer calls longingly for the brooks of water, so does my soul call longingly to You, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?
For me my tears were sustenance day and night, when [they] say to me all day long, ‘Where is your God?’
These do I recall and pour out my soul for [what has befallen] me; how I passed with the throng, walking slowly with them up to the House of God; with joyous song and thanks, a celebrating multitude.
Why are you downcast, my soul, and why are you disturbed on my account? Hope to God! For I shall yet thank Him for the salvations of His countenance.
O my God, for me my soul is downcast, because I remember You – from the land of Jordan and Hermon’s peaks, from Mount Mitzar.
Watery deep to watery deep calls out to the roar of Your water channels, all Your breakers and Your waves have swept over me.
In the day HASHEM will command His lovingkindness, even by night His resting place is with me; a prayer to the God of my life!
I will say to God, my Rock, ‘Why have You forgotten me? Why must I walk in gloom under the foe’s oppression?
With a murderous dagger in my bones have my tormentors taunted me, when they say to me all day long: ‘Where is your God?’
Why are you downcast, my soul, and why are you disturbed on my account? Hope to God! For I shall yet thank Him for the salvations of my countenance and because He is my God.
(Artscroll Tehillim)

In ce chip doreste cerbul izvoarele apelor, asa Te doreste sufletul meu pe Tine, Dumnezeule.
Insetat-a sufletul meu de Dumnezeul cel viu; cand voi veni si ma voi arata fetei lui Dumnezeu?
Facutu-mi-s-au lacrimile mele paine ziua si noaptea, cand mi se zicea mie in toate zilele: „Unde este Dumnezeul tau?”
De acestea mi-am adus aminte cu revarsare de inima, cand treceam cu multime mare spre casa lui Dumnezeu,
In glas de bucurie si de lauda si in sunet de sarbatoare.
Pentru ce esti mahnit, suflete al meu, si pentru ce ma tulburi?
Nadajduieste in Dumnezeu, ca-L voi lauda pe El; mantuirea fetei mele este Dumnezeul meu.
In mine sufletul meu s-a tulburat; pentru aceasta imi voi aduce aminte de Tine, din pamantul Iordanului si al Ermonului, din muntele cel mic.
Adanc pe adanc cheama in glasul caderilor apelor Tale.
Toate talazurile si valurile Tale peste mine au trecut.
Ziua va porunci Domnul milei Sale, iar noaptea cantare Lui de la mine.
Rugaciunea Dumnezeului vietii mele, spune-voi lui Dumnezeu: „Sprijinitorul meu esti Tu, pentru ce m-ai uitat?”
Pentru ce umblu mahnit cand ma necajeste vrajmasul meu?
Cand se sfaramau oasele mele ma ocarau asupritorii mei.
Cand imi ziceau mie in toate zilele: „Unde este Dumnezeul tau?”
Pentru ce esti mahnit, suflete al meu, si pentru ce ma tulburi?
Nadajduieste in Dumnezeu, ca-L voi lauda pe El; mantuirea fetei mele este Dumnezeul meu.
(Cartea Psalmilor)

Such is the rhythm and pattern of human life… Though he may not follow the highway to Zion with his feet, there it is, all the time, in his heart. (Erik Routley)


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