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Cele mai recente contributii la rubrica Dialog Intercultural


Newsletter dedicated to Romanian participans at:

de (27-3-2006)

Hannover Industrial Fair – The IRC Innovation Relay Centres event: Hannover International Technology The Hannover International Technology; in the context of the Hannover Industrial Fair 2006 24th and 25th of April 2006 The Hannover Technology Co-operation Event on Energy Technologies is an international partnering platform in the context of the Hannover Messe, the world’s most important industrial technology event with more than 6.000 exhibitors and 208.000 visitors in 2005.

Make tomorrow`s contacts today!
The purpose of this partnering event is to create a meeting point for technology offers, requests and exchange.

It will be your platform to meet other experts, researchers and innovative companies for future technology and business partnerships.
Please visit the event website for further information and registration:
Hannover International Technology Co-operation Event on Energy Technologies
(Please note: For technical reasons the event website is hosted at our event partner Converve GmbH)

This event is an initiative within the IRC Network and will be organised by a group of 13 IRCs together with cooperation and event partners laying special focus on technologies in the following fields:
Wind energy
Fuel cells and Hydrogen technologies
Biogas & Biomass
Solar thermal energy
Geothermal energy
Hybrid energy systems
Rational use of energy and energy efficiency
Energy transmission and distribution
Energy conversion and storage
Other topics related to energy technologies
– Measurement and testing technologies
– Materials, coatings, surface treatment
– Vibration, hydraulic, acoustic engineering
– Electronics, IT and software systems
– Process optimisation, simulation, visualisation
– Meteorology
– other

The purpose of this Industrial Partnering Event is to create a meeting point for technology requests, offers and exchange.
About Hannover International Technology Co-operation Events Since 2002, a partnering event has taken place every year at Hannover Industrial Fair, organised by IRC Lower
Saxony / Saxony-Anhalt and a group of co-organising Innovation Relay Centres (IRCs) with the aim of helping European start-ups, SMEs, Research Institutions and laboratories in different technology sectors initiate
transnational technological partnerships. In 2005, the event attracted more that 150 participants from 15 countries and almost 260 meetings were scheduled, resulting in a number of bilateral co-operations and technology partnerships.

To achieve this goal, we collect descriptions of technologies offered or sought by innovative European companies, research institutions and universities, we compile them into an on-line catalogue for participants to
browse through, participants tell us which profiles they are interested in, we organise one-to-one meetings for them on our stand during the Hannover Industrial fair.

About the IRC network
The Innovation Relay Centre Network (IRC) was set up in 1995 by the European Commission and supports innovation and the transfer of technology in Europe. The Network involves more than 1000 people located in over 220 local contact points in 33 countries all are offering special business support services. Find out more about the IRC Network at

About Energy Technologies at Hannover Industrial Fair \”Energy\” is the key theme for the Hannover fair 2006. Hannover fair offers an attractive framework programme starting from the international trade fair “Energy 2006” and leading to the “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells exhibition”, “HUSUMWind Hannover” and the “Renewable Energy Forum”.

Find out more about Energy Technologies at Hannover fair at
How it works
For The Hannover International Technology Co-operation Event innovative technology offers and requests from all over Europe are collected. (Registration on-line)

Registered participants request individual meetings with potential partners from the online catalogue (available on-line from early march 2006).

Shortly before the event each participant will receive a personalised meeting schedule.
On 24th and 25th April 2006 pre-organised bilateral face to face meetings will take place on a dedicated stand for this event at Hannover Industrial Fair in Hall 2.

Assistance for any emerging questions will be provided by IRC staff.
How to participate / Registration
Registration is open until 29.03.2006
Click on the link Registration.
Fill in a short profile to describe your organisation, a technology profile to describe the technology you are offering or looking for and choose your responsible IRC / assisting network (if applicable).

User name is your e-mail address.
Select a password to enable access to your data.
Participation fee is 100 Euro (+16%VAT). A reduced fee of 80 Euro (+16%VAT) is provided for early-bird registration until 24.02.2006.
Please note, that for each type of collaboration sought (e.g. technical cooperation agreement, joint venture,
research project, etc) a new short profile can be submitted.

Furthermore, each technology profile can be assigned to a different representative within your organisation.
Please note that all entries will be checked and validated before being included in the catalogue. All fields are mandatory. If information is missing or unclear we will contact you.

Profiles which are incomplete, unclear or not relevant to the event will not be included in the catalogue.
How to Request Meetings
Select from the catalogue of technology profiles the partners with whom you wish to meet. A search facility by technological keyword will help you to identify relevant profiles for your activity.

Deadline to request for individual meetings is 05.04.2006.
The requested partner will receive a notification of your interest. When he/she confirms his/her interest in meeting you, the meeting will be scheduled at the stand according to your availability.

In your personal log-in area you can find an overview of requested and confirmed meetings.

You will receive your personal meeting schedule by e-mail. The meetings will take place at the IRC stand in Hall 2 on Monday 24th April from 14.00 to 18:00 (Registration 13.30) and Tuesday 25th April from 9.30 to 18.00
(Registration 9.00).

The Hannover International Technology Co-operation Event will take place from 24.- 25.04.2006.
Monday 24.04.2006 13.30 Registration of participants
14:00 – 18:00 Bilateral meetings
Tuesday 25.04.2006 09:00 Registration of participants
09:30 – 18:00 Bilateral meetings


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