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Vicepreședinta Comisiei Europene critică dur Franța pentru tratamentul romilor

de (14-9-2010)
14 ecouri

Viviane Reding, vicepreședintă a Comisiei Europene

Brussels, 14 September 2010

Midday briefing in Press Room

„Over the past weeks, the European Commission has been following very closely the developments in France regarding the Roma. I personally have been appalled by a situation which gave the impression that people are being removed from a Member State of the European Union just because they belong to a certain ethnic minority. This is a situation I had thought Europe would not have to witness again after the Second World War.

I have made crystal clear my doubts about the legality of the French measures in a public statement on 25 August – a statement that was made in full agreement with Commission President Barroso with whom I worked closely on this issue over summer. Together with Commissioner Andor and Commissioner Malmström, I submitted a preliminary legal analysis of the French measures on 1 September to President Barroso and the College of Commissioners. This preliminary analysis stressed, inter alia, that France would be in violation of EU law if the measures taken by the French authorities in applying the Free Movement Directive had targeted a certain group on the basis of nationality, race or ethnic origin.

The College of Commissioners discussed the matter intensely last week in Strasbourg. During a formal meeting with French ministers Eric Besson and Pierre Lellouche, the Commission – Commissioner Malmström and myself – received political assurances that specific ethnic groups had not been targeted in France. Our doubts remained. This is why last Tuesday, following discussion in the Commission college, I sent a further formal letter to French minister Besson to ask for additional details, which should be sent to the Commission swiftly.

I can only express my deepest regrets that the political assurances given by two French ministers officially mandated to discuss this matter with the European Commission are now openly contradicted by an administrative circular issued by the same government. The role of the Commission as guardian of the Treaties is made extremely difficult if we can no longer have confidence in the assurances given by two ministers in a formal meeting with two Commissioners and with around 15 senior officials on the table from both sides.

And ladies and gentlemen, this is not a minor offence in a situation of this importance. After 11 years of experience in the Commission, I would even go further: This is a disgrace. Let me be very clear: Discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin or race has no place in Europe. It is incompatible with the values on which the European Union is founded. National authorities who discriminate ethnic groups in the application of EU law are also violating the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which all Member States, including France, have signed up to.

I therefore find it deeply disturbing that a Member State calls so gravely into question, by the actions of its administration, the common values and the law of our European Union. I also take issue with the statements made by the French Secretary of State for European Affairs yesterday questioning the role of the European Commission as guardian of the Treaties. The Commission’s role as guardian of the Treaties is one of the foundations of the European Union – a Union which is held together not by force, but by respect of the rule of law agree upon by all Member States, including France.

I take note that the French authorities seem themselves to become aware that the developments of this weekend put them into an untenable situation. I also take note that yesterday afternoon the French Minister of the Interior signed a new circular on the matter eliminating the references to a specific ethnic group, the Roma. We are currently looking into the legal implications of this – it is important that not only the words change, but also the behaviour of the French authorities.

I am, therefore, asking the French authorities for immediate and swift explanation of the matter. The Commission will include all these developments, as well as other relevant documentation, into our final legal analysis of the situation. This legal analysis is done in close cooperation by my services, the services of Commissioners Malmström and Andor, as well as with the Legal Service of the President, and I expect it to be completed in the days to come. I am personally convinced that the Commission will have no choice but to initiate infringement action against France: * Infringement proceedings against France for a discriminatory application of the Free Movement Directive. * And infringement proceedings against France for lack of transposition of the procedural and substantive guarantees under the Free Movement Directive.

I will of course give the French authorities the right to submit comments on the new developments in the course of the next days. But I make it very clear my patience is wearing thin: enough is enough. No Member State can expect special treatment, especially not when fundamental values and European laws are at stake. This applies today to France. This applies equally to all other Member States, big or small, which would be in a similar situation. You can count on me for that.”


  • stefan doru dancus: (14-9-2010 la 13:33)

    Cred că este înafara tuturor datelor statistice. Dar cum Europa se vrea „unită”… Adică uni să muncească, alţii să fure…

  • Petru Clej: (14-9-2010 la 13:41)

    Mai concret, domnule Dăncuș, la ce vă referiți?

  • Vali NITU: (14-9-2010 la 13:52)

    Doru Dancus ştie exact la ce se refera domnule, si noi stim ca, pana cand rromii, chiar si unii dintre romani (multi si ei), nu vor „reinventa” munca, nu putem fi pe acceasi linie, la aceeasi „cota” cu cei din UE.
    Cu pretuire,
    Vali NITU

  • Petru Clej: (14-9-2010 la 14:00)

    Domnule Nițu,

    Vă atrag atenția că etichetarea în bloc a unei etnii are un caracter rasist. Vreau în continuare să știu la ce statistici face referire domnul Dăncuș.

  • Mike Klein: (14-9-2010 la 14:11)

    Chiar daca in Romania rromii nu sant considerati romani, in Franta si in restul lumii toti cetatenii Romaniei sant considerati romani. Tin minte cand Bela Karoly, spre stupoarea ziaristilor americani le tot explica ca el nu e roman. In zadar, pentru americani a ramas tot asa de roman ca si Nadia Comaneci.

  • Vali NITU: (14-9-2010 la 14:31)

    Nu era vorba de etichetare, ci faptul ca, toti trebuie sa „REINVENTAM” munca. Asta era ideea.Unii o fac mai putin (sa munceasca), altii nu vor. Eu am crescut si trait printre rromi. Si ei si romanii TREBUIE sa REINVENTEZE munca. Asta era IDEEA.
    Vali NITU

  • Vali NITU: (14-9-2010 la 14:32)

    „COTA” nu era cea de roman sau alta nationalitate, ci de respectul pentru munca. Numai asa poti fi respectat, apreciat, integrat in marea famile europeana si nu numai!
    Vali NITU

  • Petru Clej: (14-9-2010 la 14:38)

    Domnule Nițu, care e legătura cu presupusa reinventare a muncii despre care vorbiți și declarația de o duritate fără precedent la adresa unui stat membru a vicepreședintei Comisiei Europene?

  • Vali NITU: (14-9-2010 la 14:42)

    Este o importanta legatura, dar nu sunt de acord cu atitudinea Frantei si a nimanui, indiferent ce functie efemera detine. PUNCT.
    Vali NITU

  • Petru Clej: (14-9-2010 la 14:45)

    Domnule Nițu, n-ați răspuns la întrebare: ce legătură este între așa zisa „reinventare a muncii” și comunicatul Vivianei Reding? Și să înțeleg că dacă nu sunteți de acord cu atitudinea Franței, îi dați dreptate doamnei Reding care critică autoritățile franceze?

  • VALI NITU: (14-9-2010 la 15:58)

    Nu sunt la scoala. Intelegeti ce vreti dvs. Eu atat am avut de spus. Nu pot sta la polemici, mai ales cu dvs. SUNT ROMAN, ca orice OM din aceasta tara si din UE
    Cu respect,
    Vali NITU

  • Petru Clej: (14-9-2010 la 17:30)

    Nu sunteți la școală, dar nivelul răspunsurilor dumneavoastră este unul pre-școlar. Deci, să înțeleg că toți oamenii din UE sunt români?

  • Stefan N. Maier: (14-9-2010 la 19:22)

    Ar fi pacat sa se bagatelizeze comentariile pe marginea acestei informatii. Va rog sa notati mai degraba ca subiectul este unul de maxima importanta si ca revista ACUM (in teorie saptamanala dar in realitate cu o aparitie mai frecventa decat cea a cotidianelor, ceea ce o apropie mai mult de o agentie de presa internationala) este la curent cu cele mai recente dezvoltari.
    Pe scurt, Franta va face fata unor sanctiuni daca va continua politica discriminatorie impotriva rromilor. Iar guvernul de la Bucuresti, care vindea evrei pentru a-i lasa sa plece pe vremea lui Ceausescu si ar vrea sa vanda azi rromi pentru a-i lasa sa revina, ar face bine sa-si bage mintile in cap si sa nu colaboreze la aceasta monstruozitate – masura curenta, in forma in care a fost propusa. Din fericire exista oameni ca Viviane Reding care vegheaza, pentru care nu am decat un cuvant (in franceza): CHAPEAU!

  • George Gross: (15-9-2010 la 14:37)

    Urmarea expulzării rromilor din Franţa în ţările de baştină, ridică noi probleme în UE.
    Problema expulzării unei persoane posesoare de cetăţenie europeană dintr-o ţară a UE în ţara-i de baştină ce face parte din UE, este o problemă juridică, ce nu are rezolvare la ora actuală.
    Cum va rezolva Parlamentul European situaţia, nu ştiu, dar presimt că soluţia va fi în favoarea Franţei, chit că comentariile sunt de altă natură.
    Juridic se va pune problema tuturor persoanelor considerate „person non grata” în cadrul unui stat al UE; pe scurt se va ajunge la limitare a libertăţii de mişcare în cadrul UE.

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