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Fundația Rațiu oferă un internship pe durata verii în Marea Britanie

de (30-6-2008)

This summer, the Ratiu Foundation offers a young UK-based student or researcher the unique opportunity to work as an in-house researcher on the development of a new Ratiu project.

The position is an internship for the summer of 2008 (July-August) which will give the intern the chance to work in a challenging environment alongside a small and dedicated team of professionals in the field of cultural promotion and education.

The entire activity will be carried out on a voluntary work basis.

The research conducted will be on the subject of Ion Ratiu, the Romanian champion of democracy and advocate of human rights. The position brings unprecedented access to the Ion Ratiu archives, in order to us help find unknown aspects of the work of this well known character.

Due to the nature of the work to be done, extensive knowledge of both English and Romanian is essential. The successful applicant will have a background in Romanian studies and/or History. Archival studies are a plus.

The position comes with a flexible programme (3-5 days per week), according to the situation and research needs.

The Ratiu Foundation was established in 1979 by Ion and Elisabeth Ratiu in order to promote and support projects which further education and research in the culture and history of Romania and its people. More details on

To apply, send us a cover letter accompanied by an up-to-date CV on


  • Stefan Caliga: (30-6-2008 la 00:00)

    Initiativa Fundatiei „Ion Ratiu” este un „ecou de dincolo de mormant” venit din partea marelui patriot.

    Dupa revenirea in Tara, omul care a stiut sa se lege cu lanturi la reprezentanta diplomatica a Romaniei ceausiste, a revenit in primele zile ale lui ianuarie 1990 cu gandul sa ajute pentru restaurarea democratiei veritabile… asa cu o cunoscuse el in perioada interbelica.

    Au fost multi aceia care l-au ironizat… discret sau in stil romanesc pur mitocanesc. A avut simpatizanti si adversari.

    Oricum… Ion Ratiu a intrat in istoria Romaniei ante si postdecembriste.

    Cu voie sau fara de voie din partea stapanirilor vremelnice.

    Ma aflu printre fericiii care l-au vazut indeaproape.

    Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca!

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