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Free Learning Project

de (5-9-2006)

In perioada 8-9 septembrie 2006 va avea loc la Resita, in cadrul Universitatii „Eftimie Murgu, (sala Multimedia) intalnirea internationala a partenerilor din cadrul proiectului „Free Learning” Project I/05/B/F/PP-154096, proiect Leonadro de Vinci.
Scopul proiectului este sprijinirea ONG-urilor si a altor institutii cu buget redus in instruirea salariatilor, in pregatirea si perfectionarea acestora.
Activitatile ce se vor desfasura la Resita vor cuprinde:
– prezentarea celor mai importante elemente din fiecare tara partenera privind cerinta si oferta de instruire in domeniu;
– organizarea bazei de date si a grupului tinta identificat de fiecare partener;
– organizarea activitatii de diseminare;
– planificarea activitatilor viitoare.

Responsabil proiect, Potoceanu

Free Learning
The Leonardo da Vinci project FREE-LEARNING refers to professional and continuous training focusing on a
methodology for on-line training for non-profit workers and voluntary operators.
The lack of a methodology and of a pedagogic philosophy at a European level generated several and different training approaches, techniques and strategies, still inadequate for the specific use of the non-profit and voluntary sector.
FREE-LEARNING attempts to realise several objectives, exploiting the collaborative work of the partnership for a training integrated system through :
Realising a fund of methodologies and tools for elearning;
• Improving an e-learning training model for
trainers involved in the non profit sector;
• Realising an integrated e-learning system for this specific sector;
• Creating an on-line Training Community;
• Experimenting the integrated e-learning system for non profit sector;
• Acquisition/Improvement of skills for evaluating e-learning systems;
• Thematic portal for the international trainers/ evaluators community of non profit and voluntary sector.
The principal characteristic of the project is the innovative approach in the training activities and tools
through :
• Creation of a systemic and integrated assessment for e-learning;
• Planning and testing a training model for the evaluator of on-line learning;
• Developing specific skills for tutors, experts and trainers;
• Creating an on-line training community and realising a permanent virtual portal to share approaches and tools and experiences management;
• Dissemination as continuous and participat


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